Hay i ask for some assistants please?

Hello there

I know i have asked for help on this subjected before I have a poser iteam that is an dramatic clothen iteam is there any tutorials where i can learn to rigg the dress with bones so it will conform with V4 so i can use it if not can any help me i really would like to use theses outfits i can send you the outfits to conform my email is [email protected] hell id even pay for the turtorial on how to do it. If anyone can help please. I just love these's old outfits. I tryed on daz forms redout but find it so bloody confusing. Thanks for your time  


  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644


    I haven't worked with V4 in years now, but I was able to dig up this old tutorial from my saved notes.  This is for rigging the item in Daz Studio.  You will need to know where its geometry (obj) is located so you can import it.  You also need to have a Figure Setup tab up in your Studio scene, and you can create one from Window--Panes (Tabs) if you don't have one.

    Load V4 into your Daz Studio scene, or load an item of clothing whose rig you want to copy.  I recommend the second one, because if it is dynamic clothing you probably want dress handles and it would be better to copy from an existing rigged dress.

    Select V4 or the donor clothing and go to Edit--Figure---Zero--Zero Figure.  Her toes will point downwards if you did it correctly.

    Now go to the Figure Setup tab.  At the top, set the Rigging Type to Parametric (Legacy).  

    Click on the little triangle right next to that on the left and choose "Copy From Selected Figure."

    It will ask what scale to use.  Use the Daz Studio scale.  You should see all the bones appear on the right panel of the Figure Setup tab.

    Now on the left, right-click and choose "add geometry."  Now you navigate to where the geometry of the clothing is and click on it, then click accept.  

    Right-click on "blMilWom" etc. or the name of the donor clothing at the top and choose "Remove Geometry."  Click OK on the popup.

    Click on the geometry name of the new clothes and drag it over to the bones.  The top entry should change to "Geometry: 0."  Change the name and label at the top so that it is the name of the clothing instead of the name of V4 or the donor clothing.

    Now at the bottom, click "Apply SubD" and click "Create."

    The clothing should appear in the window on the left.  Now it has the skeleton of V4 and can fit to V4.  If ti messes up, make sure that in the Parameters tab, make sure the FIt To Mode is set to Auto Follow Transforms.  You can save using File--Export, .cr2 is one of the options in the dropdown.  Make sure to choose "conforming figure" in the popup that appears before you click Accept.

    Now you should be able to load your new rigged figure from wherever you exported it and use it as a conformer.  This is very fast and rough, and there's a lot of adjustment you can do to bones in the Joint Editor that I don't remember how to do any more.  The icon for it looks like a bone with a pencil across it if you want to experiment.



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