Morph Loader Pro Not Working... Suggestions?

OK... I've been away from DAZ Studio for several years due to illness. In the past I had no trouble working with Morph Loader Pro to create character morphs (albeit I was using older versions of Daz Studio and modeling software, such as Modo and Rhino 3D). However, now... no matter what combination of export and import settings I use Morph Loader Pro always gives me the error "Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph". I'm working with Daz Studio 4.15 and the Genesis 8.0 and 8.1 Female figures. I'm starting to think I may need to reinstall Daz Stuio. Another problem I've run into is that Shaders in the Presets library under the Surface tab will not apply to objects in my scene. Oddly, though, Shaders I create and save in Save Files under Presets will apply. Just something else that is making me lean towards reinstalling Daz Studio. Its all just getting very frustrating. Help Please! :-)
I can get Morph Loader Pro to work without issue on my older system with slightly olderr versions of Studio and my modeling software. My newer system is a more robust workstation with better xeon prossessors, more memory, and a much better Nvidia Quadro graphics card.
Note: I always set the figure's resolution to "Base" before exporting or importing.
Settings I'm Using:
Daz Studio 4.15 Export Options...
- File Type: OBJ
- Axis Conversions - Unchecked
- Convert From DAZ Studio To: DAZ Studio (1 unit = 1cm)
- Ignore Invisible Nodes: Checked
- Use Bone Welds - Unchecked
- Remove Unused Vertices - Unchecked
- Triangulate N-gons - Unchecked
- Write UV Coordinates - Checked
- Collapse UV Tiles - Unchecked
- Write Normals - Checked
- Write Faces: - Checked
- Write Polylines - Checked
- Write Separate Objects - Checked
- Filter Objects - Unchecked
- Write Groups - Checked
- Write Surfaaces - Checked
Rhino 3D 7.0 Import Options ...
- Import OBJ groups as - Groups
- Import OBJ objects - Checked
- Import as morph target only - Checked (Also tried it unchecked)
- Reverse group order - Unchecked
- Ignore textures - Checked
- Set display color from OBK material color - Unchecked
- Map OBJ Y to Rhino Z - Unchecked
- Split 32 bit textures into separate files - Unchecked
Rhino 3D 7.0 Export Options ...
- Save as type - OBJ
- Save surfaces, polysurfaces and extrusions as - Polygon mesh objects (Note I have not altered the figures mesh other then moving vertices,not have I added anything.)
- Save surface trim curves as - Curves (Only option available)
- End of line character - Windows (CRLF) (I'm working on a Windows system)
- Significant digits - 17
- Export material definitions - Unchecked
- Use display color for objects with no material set - Checked (Only option)
- Convert white space in material names to underscores - Checked (Only option)
- Map Rhino Z to OBJ Y - Unchecked
- Wrap lon lines - Checked
- Export Rhino object names - Do not export object names
- Export Rhino layer/group names - Groups as OBJ groups
- Merge nested group/layer names - Unchecked
- Sort by OBJ groups - Unchecked
- Vertex welding - Unmodified
- SubD meshing - Unchecked
- NGons - Preserve
- Export texture coordinates - Unchecked
- Export vertex normals - Checked
- Export vertex colors - Unchecked
- Export open meshes - Checked
- Use render meshes - Unchecked
Daz Studio 4.15 "Morph Loader Pro" Import Options...
- Convert From DAZ Studio To: DAZ Studio (1 unit = 1cm)
- Axis Conversions - Unchecked
- Load Morphs for - Primary Figure (Vertex Only)
Again, the above settings work perfectly on my old system with a previous version of DAZ Studio (with Genesis 3 figures) and Rhino 3d, but willl not work on my newer system with DAZ Studio 4.15 (with Genesis 8) and Rhino 7.0. Anyone have any suggestion on what might be going wrong?
Thank you.
Did you remove the geografts before export?
@Leana... Pardon my ignorance, but would the geografts you are refering to be the "Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes" and the "Genesis 8.1 Female Tear". If not then I'm afraid I don't know what you are refering to. I did try removing those two items without any success as far as the Morph Loader problem goes. Still stuck and clueless.
I did also try installing the "Daz Studio Pro BETA - version" as an experiment, but that was of no help with the Morph Loader Pro prblem.
Yes, those are the geografts I was talking about.
Hmmm... I just managed to successfully import a morph into DAZ with Morph Loader Pro. I still need to do further testing, but here is what I did to get this to work finally...
The options nodes don't have geometry so shouldn't be a problem.
Since the most recent update, I'm having the same problem. Is there an actual fix for this problem?