Mixamo to Genesis 3 or 8

Is this possible yet? Has anyone figured a workaround at all?


  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751

    Sure.  Import the fbx.  Save as pose preset (all frames).  Load your genesis 3 or 8 figure, apply the pose preset.  Actually I think I did an intermediate step of applying the pose preset to a genesis 1 figure, then saving that pose preset and applying it to genesis 3 or 8.  I'll try it again to double-check.  It's been a while.

  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751

    Well, that's weird.  I can't do it in 4.15 Pro.  The FBX won't import.  It used to import the bones at least.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited April 2021

    I tried it recently using the original Genesis (G1) in Mixamo and then importing that back to DAZ Studio and, as mentioned above, save as Pose Preset (animation). The FBX has to be the "with skins" option, I seem to recall.

    The problem I had applying the animated pose to G8 was that the feet just don't stay put - they slide all over the place - so the animation is spoiled. I know that some people have said that they render with the feet below the bottom of the image window to hide that but the movement doesn't look natural anyway. I hope someone can provide you with a solution to the foot-slide issue.

    Post edited by marble on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    You can import a hacked G8 figure into Mixamo by deleting the arm, forearm and thigh twist bones, reparenting the bones (this step may not be necessary), then putting the arms into a T-pose. I should note that I haven't found a way to make it work consistently, but these are the steps that I've had success with. Once you've got your Mixamo animations, it's best to convert them to BVH, since DS's FBX import fuction is extremely spotty. If you can do that (I use MotionBuilder, but if you don't have access to that, Blender can probably do it), import them into DS, and open up the advanced options in the import dialogue: uncheck the pectorals, uncheck the head and then re-check it (to disable all the facial controls), then apply. Delete all the keyframes for the hip joint, and you should be set.

  • madrivermadriver Posts: 12

    I've since discovered that instead of importing the Mixamo fbx back into daz 4.15, you have to:

    ---create a pose preset from the mixamo animation

    ---then "merge" that file into the same file as your g3/g8 character and it works like a charm.

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