The best way to bring Iclone 7 and Character Creator 3 content to Daz Studio

ChrisSerketChrisSerket Posts: 202
edited April 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Good Morning.
I don't speak English so I'm using Google Translate to write to you.
All right, let me tell you that I made a terrible mistake.
I bought Iclone 7 (and which includes Character Creator 3, and later its pipeline version) and 3dxchange, thinking of taking the Daz material there, but they are in those programs I realized that to achieve everything I had proposed, I needed to pay as 5000 dollars, on the other hand with Daz Studio you could do the same in animation but with about 100 to 200 dollars (not to mention that in the Reallusion programs I had to be correcting the Daz material because it brings its problems along the way, which many already must know).
So, in order not to feel like I wasted my money on some of the Reallusion apps, I want to send absolutely as much content as I can to Daz Studio (and have the export license of the same obviously), as I consider Daz Strudio despite its shortcomings in animation, it is much better in this area than Iclone 7, at least in my opinion and my needs. It will be a bit awkward, but I prefer that to paying $ 5,000.
So at this point, I would like to know what is the best way (and the steps) to bring Reallusion content to Daz Studio. Also characters (since I created a character in cc3 that I find it difficult to recreate in Daz Studio, so if there was some way to import the morphs to some Daz figure like genesis, genesis 2, 3, 8 or 8.1 would be ideal).
I know there is a lot of information on how to submit Daz content to Reallusion, but very little on the reverse process.
So I await your prompt reply.

Post edited by ChrisSerket on


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited April 2021

    Hi Iclone assets can only be exported from 3Dxchange as .obj files or FBX files.


    Props from Iclone may be salvagable for use in Daz studio.


    Native CC3 characters can only be exported as rigged FBX to the major 3DCC's and game engines.


    Not into Daz studio AFAIK.


    BTW I own Iclone pro with 3Dxchange pipeline and Reallusion Character creator3 pipeline I did not Pay $5000 USD

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • ChrisSerketChrisSerket Posts: 202

    Yes, but to use Rokoko, faceware, among other things, there the budget increases to $ 5000 dollars.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited April 2021

    The only good way is to render what you need in iClone and then bring those image sequences into Daz Studio and do basic compositing with what you want to animate in Daz Studio or a compositing program. In my humble opinion, iClone is the better tool for animation, but it can get more costly with all the add ons. iClone has also improved their characters to Daz level quality but at a higher price.

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited April 2021

    Compositing as you describe is not really a good solution for a variety of reasons

    The native Iclone render engine is frankly rubbish compared to Iray unless the OP $$$Purchases$$ the Iray plugin for Iclone..another expense.

    And even then matching the lighting, cameras etc will be a compositing nightmare hardly worth the effort IMHO.

    That said, it is possible to mix two similar Character eco systems  like Iclone/CC3 and Daz if you are willing to combine them in a third environmmentfor final renders, such as a Game engine or another  3DCC, Like Blender.


    Both Daz studio and CC3 have dedicated exporters  for Blender now.

    Daz studio has Daz2Blender and Thomas Larsons "Diffeomorphic"and DS default FBX export.

    CC3 pipeline has an FBX to Blender export preset  and there is a free addon by a Reallusion user 
    ( Victor soupday),That imports  animated FBX figures into Blender and auto sets up the skin shader nodes and recreates the skin paramters interface ,from Iclone, inside Blender.

    And we all know about the  excellent Genesis import /conversion capabilities of the  Daz2Blender and Diffeo addons

    Now to show that I am not a person who comes into  threads and offers theoretical solutions that I have not actually tried myself, I present this video.

    The armed guard on patrol is a legacy Daz millenuim man 3 (Mike3 reduced resolution) .
    as well as the Figure who runs around the corner and is Blasted back into the corridor.

    Both imported  to Blender via Standard FBX from Daz studio because they are very low poly and are covered
    head to toe so good skin detail etc is moot.

    Also Daz Mike 3 accepts BVH files directly from my Old but powerful ,Endorphin ragdoll simulation software,
    instead of the complicated multi-step process that would be involved  in converting Endorphin motion Data to Iclone via  3DXchange retargeting.

    The "hacker" seated at the terminal is imported from CC3 as well as the armored "Spartans"
    the environment, I built in Blender( like all of the CC3 clothing /armor weapons)

    However the environment/props could all have been easily imported from Daz studio content ( via Diffeo etc )
    for those who are not  skilled content creators like myself

    So yes... the OP has viable pathway for leveraging his Reallusion investment as well as his Daz content investments

    If he/she is willing  add  the mighty Blender to the Pipelinelaugh
    because trying to bring usable Iclone/CC3 assets back into Daz studio is frankly a non starter IMHO sad





    What if I used Poser as an intermediary between Reallusion and Daz Studio?


    I have no knowledge about Poser 12's ability to import the FBX Avatars from Iclone3DX or CC3 pipeline but you could ask over at Renderosity or the poser forum here at the Daz site.

     But if you do not already have Poser it will be at least another $250 USD on top the money you have spent on Reallusion and be assured poser has ZERO support of facial mocap ( Rokko etc) and its animation tools are a decade behind  the Default options in Daz Studio  to say nothing of  Iclone 

    But understand this:
    FORGET any notion of transferring Character morphs from CC3 Avatars to Genesis 8 short of reproducing them in a sculpting/modeling program and loading them with the morph loader tools in Daz studio proper.

    @kevinsanderson  honestly, no false modesty, but Blender does  not need me to make it "look good"
    it only needs users to learn its powerful,professional toolset and it will easilyimpress.

    Blender is extremely stable and major gaming companies , (like Ubisoft),have adopted it as their game asset creation tool. 

    Anyone seeking to completely re-create the Daz Studio user experience in Blender is going to be frustrated.
    but that mindset will cause frustration if trying to migrate to ANY major 3DCC or game engine.

    Even Daz Does not promise this with their various export plugins

    They ,Rightly, assume that the various end users are reasonably knowledgable in the target programs(Blender,Maya,UE4,C4D etc)   

    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • Yes, I assumed they had the iRay plugin with the total spent of $5000. Whatever will be done will require planning, something that never goes over well here. You always make blender look good and I applaud you for that, but I still resent it for being a moving target causing wasted time. Hoping for some  stability and simplification. It looks like maybe blender is closer with the improvements.

  • ChrisSerketChrisSerket Posts: 202

    Thank you very much for your solutions.
    I have tried Diffeomorphic several times to bring Daz content to MikuMikuDance, and it is very good, although it also mixed this complement with the export of FBX, with a configuration of Daz export and import to Blender that you posted a long time ago in a Wolf forum. So yes.
    Thank you very much, in the same way, for COVID-19 issues I currently have no more monthly budget for 3D and tools than $ 20 a month, and with that I will not get that far with Reallusion. That is why I personally prefer Daz Studio, which will be more complex and humble for animation, but cheaper and with full factory compatibility with all its figures.

  • ChrisSerketChrisSerket Posts: 202
    edited April 2021

    What if I used Poser as an intermediary between Reallusion and Daz Studio?

    Post edited by ChrisSerket on
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