Recently I got hold of LY Cayenne HD and right from the install there are visible lines between the ARMS, TORSO, LEGS, and a visible line straight down her back from the top off her HEAD to her REAR END. like seams between the texture maps ( not black lines, just visible joins , see attached picture.) I have been in touch with the creator and the reply was very speedy and explained
"Cayenne was made with the first iteration of Iray. The Iray renderer has changed many times since then and the older characters are not holding up well.I suggest you switch the SSS mode to monochromatic, beyond that, I'm not able to really help you. I recommend that you post in the forums for help updating the skin."
I tried to do as the creator suggested and that did not help , I have also unistalled and reinstalled the asset, but no change. and I have checked that all the maps in the surfaces are correct which to my knowledge they are.
So does anyone else have this figure, and found a way to resolve this issue, short of placing her in a full body suit to hide the skin lol
Thanks Geordie
Oh and I am new to this so if anyone could provide detailed instructions on how to fix this, that would be great, sometime I get lost in the technical terms and short handed explainations.
Is there something special about that "skin"?
If it doesn't work, use the "skin" (textures) from some other character.
Hey PertiiA, Yeah I tried that by putting a GENESIS 3 GENERIC SKIN on her, but even with the CAYENNE HEAD and BODY MORPHS, the character looks different to the point of it not being Cayenne, I was hoping there was a fix .
Thanks for the reply
The Generic skins don't look that good either, don't you have any other G3 or G8 skins you could try?
If you are trying to achieve the same that you can see in the promo pictures of Cayenne... Good luck even with the original skin, you should know what lighting was used together with the render settings that were used.
PertiiA, Although I don't know what lighting or render settings were used, I can guess that the scene is well lit with multiple lights, and render settings, I was more interested in solving the skin seams issue, than trying to recreate the promo.
I do have a bunch of G3 and G8 characters so I guess I could try out those skins, with Cayennes head and body , and see what I get. Like I said I was just wondering if someone had an updated iray skin. so maybe I could use Cayennes skin
You can keep the textures if you hold down "CTRL" when double clicking on the textures of an other character, then DS will show you a dialogue, where you can select "Ignore textures" and it will load everything but the textures.
That pic is probably going to get deleted as soon as a mod sees it, but from what I see it looks like what happens when "Thin Walled" is on. Is that the case?
Margrave , Thin Walled was set to MULTIPLE, But having it set to ON or OFF makes no differnce, PertiiA, I will try your suggetion with another skin.
Thanks both of you for the help, oh Margrave, I fixed the Pic :) lol
Hey PertiiA, Your idea of the CTRL , did you mean CTRL on the SKIN I want to replace on to CAYENNE ?
Here's what I did Load CAYENNE, the go to GENESIS 3 MATERIALS SKIN, Hold CTRL select JEANE ALL MAT, a dilogue box opens saying "MATERIAL PRESET LOAD OPTIONS" I selected SURFACES 'SELECTED' and IMAGES 'IGNORE', the result is CAYENNE without lines (seams) on her body, and the look is close enough to the original , that with RENDER SETTINGS and LIGHTING , she looks cool :) and I learnt something new :) Did I do it the way you meant ?
That was what I meant.
Thanks It worked great .
Thanks guy for all your help
The original image justa bout passed, adding the black box didn't help. Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity
Richard Haseltine, Sorry I am new to this kindof stuff and the forums, I was only posting it to demonstrate the issue I was having, no offence meant, and I apologise for it not being acceptable, in future I will only post clothed pictures :)
That is a crappy response from the creator IMO. if the product says it's for Iray, then it needs to work in Iray, despite the changes made in DS. I would file a support ticket so DAZ can either get it fixed or pull it from the store.
It looks like the issue is with the normal maps. Setting Normal Map to 0 causes the seam to go away.
@geordiesharp, which version of DS are you using? There have been more than a few seam issues appear with DS 4.15. According to a thread here from someone who seems to use G3F only, turning off Spectral Rendering gets rid of the problem.
@FSMCDesigns as far as the quality of the reply , I am not concerned now am I going to raise a compliant ot ticket with DAZ, because if I had a bit more knowledge of how the IRAY work, I am sure I could of fixed it.
@richardandtracy I am using DAZ 4,15,0,2, the latest version, and SPECTRAL RENDERING was turned OFF by default. so turning it ON did nothing.
@RobotHeadArt Your suggestion was right on the money, the NORMAL MAPS were set to MULTIPLE, and in the DROP DOWN menu of that setting, nothing was ticked, however, changing NORMAL MAPS to NONE, and bingo, the seams vanish, the only one left is a slight and I mean slight one on the head, which can be hidden by hair.
Thanks guys for all your help, sorry for the delay in replying :)
Glad you found a solution to the problem. I think there must be something odd in either the implementation of iRay or the version of iRay used in compared with previous versions, as I can't remember this particular issue being mentioned prior to the release of 4.15. The solutions seem to be unrelated, but all seem to solve the same problem. That suggests to me it's a deeper issue where all the different shader strands are linked - which will be at the rendering engine or the interface between DS & the engine.
I think I remember reading they implemented a faster normal map routine (also for RTX) so it might be related, afaik
Have fun @geordiesharp!
hello everyone. I just found out about this and have submitted a fix.
It should show as an update, in Install Manager iof Daz Central or in Smart Content if you installed through DS, once released.