8.0 character morphs/shapes onto 8.1, how?

Cross posting from a comment here:
As I wanted to surface this as a new thread.
All the material I've read on 8.1 says "Because Genesis 8.1 characters are built on the Genesis 8 framework, most of your Genesis 8 content, such as hair, clothing, morphs, and poses should work just fine on the new and enhanced characters."
from the site https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-1
So I must be doing something wrong, and need some help. When I load 8.1 basic female or Vic 8.1 here at work, then go to the parameters tab Actor > People for example, the characters from 8 are not available. If I load 8.0 basic female then of course they are. So if it says morphs are compatible, how do you get the 8.0 shapes onto 8.1? I want to take advantage of the new eyes, mouth etc for portraits but also prefer some of the shapes of other characters.
Please no comments suggesting workarounds to save 8.1 shapes and load onto 8 as I've seen on some forum posts - the site suggests "most of your Genesis 8 content, such as hair, clothing, morphs, and poses should work just fine on the new and enhanced characters" so I want it to work as it says it should - 8.0 morphs on the new characters.
Updated everything today via DIM so it should not be a version issue - I'm on latest (not Beta) of everything for 4.15.
If you're using 4.15.x then 8.0 morphs should be listed in parameters/shaping tabs when you load 8.1. That definitely works for me.
For some reason updating DIM and from 4.1 to 4.15 and updating the CMS has resulted in two locations for installed files, one on a RAID where 99% of Daz files go and one on the system drive. 8.1 is installed to the system drive for some reason. What doesn't make sense is that while Daz is reading and loading from both locations, loading 8.1 from one drive means it's not seeing 8.0 morphs as available. This is what I like to call "dumb", and now it looks like I need to stuff around merging libraries because I can only assume it wants everything in the same place.
Leaving the other thread because I feel like I am hijacking it a little - solution I found here though
But now a new problem - I can apply G8 morphs including expressions to 8.1 now, in Daz.
But when these export to C4D via the bridge, no 8 face/expression morphs come along. I can see the expression in Daz but it's gone in C4D, and the ony pose morph sliders are from 8.1 expressions.
Is this expected behaviour? How can I get the 8.1 figure into C4D with the 8 morphs/expressions? Or not possible...