Can't find my animations anywhere.
I bought Dance Animations for Genesis Vol.1, installed it with the install manager and can see the files on the path. But when I run Daz 3D and create a character I can't see the animations anywhere. I've re-imported meta-data to the content library and tried it with various different characters (Genesis, Genesis 2, Victoria 6, etc.) but can't see them in Smart Content at all.
What did I not do?
OK I found them in Content Manager, Products -> D -> Dance Animations for Genesis. I wonder why they don't show up in "smart content"?
Post edited by Robinson on
Note that "smart content" sometimes isn't. Smart, that is. It relies on the metadata being included in the installers, which is added to a database that drives the Smart Content, Products and Categories content views. Most of the time the metadata is right; sometimes it's not quite right, incomplete, or hasn't been added to the installers yet (the process of adding metadata to old content is not yet finished).
Also, note that this means Smart Content is not a view of your installed content — it's a filtered and sorted view of a database of links to the part of your content that has metadata. Products view seems to be more reliable than Smart Content, and DAZ Studio Formats view does not rely on the content database, so it will show every single item you have installed.
This product is AniBlocks for use in Animate Lite (free version) or AniMate2 plugin (not free). I have AniMate2, but these should work in AniMate Lite too. (Note: I think you get AniMate2 free for the first 30 days or something, then it reverts to AniMate lite).
I don't think these show in the regular content or smart content. You need to go to the AniMate tab at the bottom (either Lite or 2). There is button with a down arrow in the lower left corner. I think it is trying to say "Animations for Genesis" or some thing like that. With Genesis selected in the scene, click on this then expand aniBlocks -> BoneTech3D -> Dance Animations for Genesis Vol 1. I have two toplevel aniBlocks because I have some aniblocks in a different library that I have created myself.
When you select the "Dance Animations for Genesis Vol 1" the aniblocks will appear across the bottom as blue buttons.
Turns out you can access these from the Content Library (and maybe smart content too), as animated poses. The image below shows where they are in my library. I never use these as animated poses like this, though I can. It seems to load them onto the aniMate 2/lite timeline for the selected character when you click on them.