What's the implication of using a character you don't own on G8?

Suppose there's a character out there called Ethel for Gertrude 8. You really like Ethel, but you don't own Gertrude 8 becasue she's a hag. Can Ethel be used  on standard Genesis 8, or is the result of doing that going to cause a problem, like someone caught in a bad pattern buffer in a Transporter?






  • SquishySquishy Posts: 460

    how are you "using a character you don't own" exactly

  • The implication is Ethel probably will not look completely as advertised. The way it often works is that Gertrude is a morph of G8F. Then Ethel is a morph that affects G8F too, but only when added to the Gertrude morph will it look like Ethel. It is rare, but does happen once in a while, that the Ethel morph may have a standalone varient.
  • joegerardijoegerardi Posts: 226

    Thank you. Kind of what I thought. Many times, I like the tertiary character more than the secondary, and I won't by the secondary. That's why I was asking. Now I know to buy neither.


    Appreciate it.



  • There's a forum thread that showcases a variety of tertiary characters without the secondary one.  If I find it, I'll post the link here.  Others may jump in and assist before I get back.  Some characters look great, though not like using the add-on product with the "required" character.



  • Here's the thread I was thinking of, joegerardi.


    Perhaps you can ask in that thread to see the character(s) you're interested in without the base product(s)?

    Hope this helps.


  • joegerardijoegerardi Posts: 226

    Thank you. That was very helpful.



  • joegerardi said:

    Thank you. Kind of what I thought. Many times, I like the tertiary character more than the secondary, and I won't by the secondary. That's why I was asking. Now I know to buy neither.

    Appreciate it.


    More than once I have much preferred the tertiary character (Aisling for Charlotte 8, Ellis for Bridget 8, Aniyah for Darcy 8 & Daenestra for Angharad 8) but I'm not playing that game any more, either. However, are you sure Ethel is not a tertiary of Mabel, which you may have as it was a freebie for the International Women's Day competition?



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