An Online Plug-in IDs Database

RuudLRuudL Posts: 209

This project has been on the back-burner for a long time. A couple of weeks ago I added a 'About'-page, that also functions as a 'Splash screen'. It explains how to use the database, where the data comes from and what it's used for.

It is hosted at SourceForge and accessible thru this link: Carrara Plugin IDs database .

It's mine intention to post all the elements of the website at a later time. Along with the Python program, that I used to extract the IDs from the plugins.

Let me know what you think of it. Your feedback is much appreciated and it will encourage me to improve this database.

Post edited by RuudL on


  • Great Idea. 

    I'll use it from now on.

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209

    Yes, I have seen that. I did post the last entry in that discussion. It motivated me to build this online database. In its current state not all plugins are included. Only the plugins that are installed on my computer and I do not have Alberto's plugins yet. I will update the database in the future with data from new or updated plugins.

    With the Python program, that I intent to release, it's possible to extract the IDs on your own computer. Using Python buildin webserver you can run the database website local. The data from the plugins on your computer can also be used as an update to the online database. But that function ( import, diff, remove duplicates, load, documentation ) is still a work-in-progress. 

  • RuudLRuudL Posts: 209
    edited April 2023

    Occasionally I update the database behind this website. To reflect the update I've added a 'Last database update' item that will show you the update date and time.

    I also have added the main application resource file ( Carrara.dat from the parent folder of the Extensions folder) to the database.

    The database only contains information about the COMP, GUID and scmd resources. For those of you, like me, that want to known what kind of resources there are and where they are used, I've made a frequency table of all the Carrara resources.

    The 1st and the last colomn are self-explanatory. The 2nd colomn '#KindOfRes' shows how many different kind of resources are contained in a resource file ( dat-file ) The header of the other colomns contain the resource-id. Not all of them are documented in the SDK.

    The frequency table file is a CSV-file that can easily be imported into a spread-sheet or a sql database. You'll find it in the Files section of one of my SF pages ( )


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    Post edited by RuudL on
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