How good are the G3 to G8 converters?

I am often frustrated by the lack of G8 content that meets my needs. Something like a G8 policeman's uniform does not seem to exist--or at least I can't find it. So I'm thinking the solution might be to buy the G3 content and convert it to G8 using one of the clothing converters. So my question is, would it be worthwhile to try this? I'm sure the converters aren't perfect, but has anybody tried this approach?
I own it, but I haven't used it yet.
However, some users reported that they do funny things to your G8 models when you're trying to pose them. Sometimes lagging the neck bone for up to ten seconds.
So if you do end up getting it, I'd recommend uninstalling it once you're done with it.
Usually, you don't need any converter to use G3 item on G8 that functionality is included by default into G8 fitting g8 on g3 is a bigger problem.
Although fitting some of those items messes up their rigging considerably. and I have to fix their weight maps manually to make them work again
this does not make any sense how it cour do that because the converter is a script that you run to create a copy of the item. it cannot affect posing or anything like that. It can only produce a bad result in general
Another user reported they spent months going through their entire content library, uninstalling products one-by-one, and determined the RiverSoftArt converters were the bottleneck. After I heard that, I uninstalled them, and it seems that my G8 characters pose quicker now as well.
Character converters and Clothing converters are different products, using Clothing converters does not increase the loading times of your characters.
Converting clothes yourself:
The user I referred to said it was only the character and hair converters:
There is no need for hair converters between G3 and G8/G8.1, when you load the hair into the scene without having character selected, you can change the "Scene identification" from G8 to G3 and vice versa and you don't even loose the original bones