Collective3d Portrait Vignettes Contemporary 2 - doesn't seem to be installing correctly. ; I picked up this scene and the previous one some time ago. I had to reinstall everything after a Win10 major crash and some mistakes I made that forced me to remove my entire runtime and start over. After reinstalling both of these the first one works but I get an error "An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details." on the second one. I even tried downloading the install files and hand installing it but I get the same error. I'm not even sure where to look for the "log file" to see what it says. Can anybody help? I haven't been able to get the new installer to work so I went back and found the most recent version of the DIM to use to install things. So far this is the only thing I've run into a problem with.




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File. That error most often appears if trying to use a preset with not item selected as a target.

  • edited April 2021

    Where exactly do I find the Help starting point? Sorry I'm not very familiar with the internal nuts and bolts. ;)


    Oh, I found it: 2021-04-04 15:09:51.990     C:/Users/Richard/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_21208/environments/portrait vignettes/contemporary 2/contemporary vignette 2.duf (2,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['
    2021-04-04 15:09:51.991 Error reading file, see log for more details.


    Sounds like some sort of formating error, any idea how to fix it? Note that I'll need a pretty detailed explanation because I've never dealt with anything like this before.


    The problem first showed up when I tried to re-open a scene where I used the background; geometries and textures seemed to be all lost as the background showed a variety of gray primitive-type objects.

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    That is a product that was installed through Daz Studio. Find the product (in the Products list in the Content Library pane or the Products tab of Smart Content), right-click on the icon/continaer and select Uninstall, then reinstall. If that doesn't fix it try uninstalling, then install through Install manager or Daz Central (whichever you use for DS itself).

  • edited April 2021

    Right clicking on the vignette 2 doesn't give me an uninstall option only a delete option. It doesn't show up at all that I could find in Smart Content. I've uninstalled and reinstalled twice through DIM and once by hand with the base install files and that didn't fix it.

    2021-04-04 17:33:24.456     C:/Users/Richard/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_21208/environments/portrait vignettes/contemporary 2/contemporary vignette 2.duf (2,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['
    2021-04-04 17:33:24.456 Error reading file, see log for more details.


    Same error.

    Ok, I traced the file path it's showing in the error code. the .duf file it's pointing to is from last month, so it's not uninstalling it when I'm uninstalling the other files.

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    You need to right-click on the product, not one of the files in the product.

  • Doesn't matter what I click on, it's not showing me an uninstall option except through DIM. But looking at the files at that location it's not updating them. I checked the path it's using for vignette 1 and it's a completely different file path; is there a way to edit the file path it's using to follow the file path where the newly installed files are instead of the cloud files? I was looking around in the cloud folder and some of the files in there are listed as .part files so that means they are incompleted right?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac said:

    Doesn't matter what I click on, it's not showing me an uninstall option except through DIM. But looking at the files at that location it's not updating them. I checked the path it's using for vignette 1 and it's a completely different file path; is there a way to edit the file path it's using to follow the file path where the newly installed files are instead of the cloud files? I was looking around in the cloud folder and some of the files in there are listed as .part files so that means they are incompleted right?

    What path is it showing, and what path would you expect?

  • edited April 2021

    Contemprorary 1 is in C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Environments\Portrait Vignettes\Contemporary 1

    Contemprorary 2 is in C:/Users/Richard/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library/data/cloud/1_21208/environments/portrait vignettes/contemporary 2/contemporary vignette 2.duf (2,1): Syntax error - expected '{' or '['  - or at least that's where it's trying to import it from. Oddly if I click on "browse to folder location" it links me to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\Environments\Portrait Vignettes\Contemporary 2


    Perhaps the second idea I had is what I need to do; find all the .part files and replace them with complete files from the runtime?  All the .part files I've found are either geometry files or texture files; so would that work?

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    The second is installed with Connect, or is left-over files from a Connect install. Does the product thumbnail n in the Products tab of Smart Content have an icon at top-right and a coloured thubnail?

  • edited April 2021

    Allright, it took quite a bit of time before everything showed up in Smart Content Products. It had a broken circle with a counter-clockwise arrow circle inside it and it was colored. I could uninstall it from there so I did, then uninstalled it from DIM too and then reinstalled it. It now appears to work properly. Thank you for being patient with me and for all the help. :)


    Ok, so the other stuff in the cloud folder was other things installed via the new installer? So in theory I should uninstall all of that?

    Post edited by wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Yes, if you don't want to use Connect you would need to unisntall the products thata re there. I think the icon you had was probably the Update symbol, which may well have meant that the instalaltion was incomplete or broken.

  • Ok thanks, I tried moving the folder as a test but DAZ seems to still think some items are there. I'll need to figure out what needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled. Connect was doing something funky with me. I think if I remember the only thing it installed properly was Studio and after that it would crash in the middle of installing everything else. So I went back through my purchased products and reinstalled DIM even though DAZ is trying to convince us to phase it out. Again, thank you for your help, it's appreciated. :)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    wickedprince3d_fd273b40ac said:

    Ok thanks, I tried moving the folder as a test but DAZ seems to still think some items are there. I'll need to figure out what needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled. Connect was doing something funky with me. I think if I remember the only thing it installed properly was Studio and after that it would crash in the middle of installing everything else. So I went back through my purchased products and reinstalled DIM even though DAZ is trying to convince us to phase it out. Again, thank you for your help, it's appreciated. :)

    Yes, in this case DS won't load files in the root content directory if it thinks they should be in the /data/cloud/product number/ folder.

  • Ah ok. Yeah I hope I hadn't tried to install very much through Central. If I remember right Central kept losing my internet connection while trying to download and install content. I installed studio but after that it just kept breaking.

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