Read a dsa file

I have a wayward file. Dock_Area_dsa is in a non DS folder. Is there a way to open and read the file to see where it belongs?
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I have a wayward file. Dock_Area_dsa is in a non DS folder. Is there a way to open and read the file to see where it belongs?
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.dsa should be text files, you can open them with a text editor (I like Notepad++ for example) or in the script IDE tab in DS. Not sure reading the text of the preset will help you much though.
Thank you. I thought the script could only be read by DS so never tried a text editor. I now know what product it goes to.
Maybe I can now figure out what folder it should be in.
.dsa is ASCII (plain text), .dsb is compressed ASCI (needs expanding with an archive tool, or a text editor that opens compressed files, but is readable). Only .dse is encrypted and unreadable (even by the original author).
Thanks again Richard Your explanation explains my misconception of what scripts I have and have not been able to open. Does the file naming convention "Dock_Area_Toggle" underlines instead of blank spaces suggest this file belongs in Runtime>Support folder?
It sounds like a script to show/hide something - the dock area is the place you put groups of panes, perhaps the script can expand/collapse it (thought hat is easy enough to do in the UI by clicking an open pane's tab).
Again more thanks Richard. Indeed after reading the script more carefully I see it is exactly what you said
Not quite, DSB = Daz Script Binary, the built in Script IDE is about the only thing you can use to read/edit them, archive programs wont uncompress them as they aren't compressed to start with
DSE = encrypted DSB, only way to edit them is to hack the encryption, which is easier said than done.