DAZtoUNREAL: unable to package my project in UNREAL when bridge was used

I installed DAZ and the DAZtoUNREAL bridge. I bought some DAZ assets and sent them to my UNREAL project. Playing the game in teh editor works just fine (only small issues on applying the cloth to animated figures).
When trying to package my project I receive these error messages:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest for 'DazToUnrealRuntime'. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set 'PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;' in DazToUnrealRuntime.build.cs to override.
PackagingResults: Error: Missing precompiled manifest for 'DazToUnrealRuntime'. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set 'PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;' in DazToUnrealRuntime.build.cs to override.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error
I disabled the bridge. No more error messages, but my DAZ assets are no longer working in the packaged build then. So this doesn't help.
What can I do?
That was a bug in an older version of the bridge. You probably need an update. Are you using UE4.25 or 4.26?
I am using UNREAL Engine 4.26.1 and DAZ Central says that the DAZtoUNREAL bridge is Version 4.0, not offering an update.
You can manually download an update here and replace the plugin in your engine. https://github.com/daz3d/DazToRuntime/releases/tag/4.1.0-unreal
You don't need to package the plugin in your game. You can copy the shaders and the skeleton to your project content folder. In your project settings, under the daz to unreal tab, you can set the location of the skeleton and the shaders.
Use the plugin only to import the characters to unreal. You can disable the plugin without any issues if you set the skeleton and shaders in your project folder.
I also tried to build the game with the plugin only in the engine folder (not in the project folder) and it worked:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD SUCCESSFUL
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=0 (Success)
I'm using the latest plugin version available at github and UE4.26.1
Anyway, I think the solution to move the plugin content to the project folder is the way to go. Otherwise, any change you do to the skeleton will be shared between projects.
Hello, I have the same problem, I'm using Unreal 4.26.2 with plugin Daz to Unreal 4.1.0, I've tried to put the plugin into the engine directory and after into the project one but it's still not working!!!
When you enable the plugin in the UE4Editor, does it show the version number as 4.1.0? I'm just curious if you might have an old 4.0 version in the plugins somewhere that's getting loaded instead.
Yes, it's the 4.1.0 in the UE4Editor
Are you sure it's the same error you're seeing? Or are you failing to package and getting a different error? That specific issue was only in 4.0.
Yes, I'm prety sure, here is a screen capture of my log file.
That's a different error. I searched for that error in code and I think what it means is you have two copies of the plugin DazToUnreal. One is in your Engine\Plugins somewhere and one is in your Game\Plugins and they don't match.
Thanks for your answer, but I've checked 3 times but I only have one copie of the plugin DazToUnreal in the Engine directory.
I realy don't understand.
the i would advise you to do the only remain thing, which would be "remove the pluging then remove the unreal engine, don't worry about your project it only remove the engine not the projects, then reinstall the engine from 0 then instal again the pluging, the only down side is any change you've made in the pluging stuffs like skeletal mesh(adding sockets) have a chance to break and you have to do again, not all the work only small stuffs, fix related to any personal change you've made, but at this point this is the only current solution, reinstall both pluging and engine, making sure before reinstall which it don't have any remain files or foders and everything got proper removed in the uninstall.
Again to be clear i'm talking about uninstall the engine not to delete your project.
and this time make sure to have only 1 pluging installed be the free or the one in the market.
Can you do a search for the DazToUnreal.uplugin file just to be sure? Check both the Engine\Plugins and Game\Plugins folders. If it's a couple subfolders deep it will still count. I'll take another look at the UE4 code and see if there's another case that would cause the error.
Many thank's for your answers, I will check and folow your advise.
I will let you know
I'm looking at the code again. Here's where the message is:
The second part looks like this:
I'm not 100% sure whats going on here. What configuration are you building? Is this a code project or blueprint? Is the DazToUnreal plugin enabled in the uproject file? Is there a copy in the game\plugins folder?
I tried a lot in the meantime and still stuck with this problem. Need to give out a version to my beta testers, but unable to package files.

I hope this 4k video helps to find out what I might make wrong:
Sorry for my strong German accent. For better understanding, this is the script:
I created this to demonstrate my current problem. I cannot package the project containing a DAZ character.
While the UNREAL engine loads a quick info about my computer: It is a Ryzen 9 5900X 12-core processor with base speed of 3.7 GHz. It has 32 gbytes RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 graphics adapter.
The current UNREAL project has a size of approximately 56 gbytes and has been realized mainly with blueprints. Only some time critical parts have been written in C++.
All software, this is UNREAL, DAZ and the bridge are installed on my 2 tbyte SSD which is the drive C: in this computer. I accepted all defaults during installation.
When I build a 64 bit windows package to be written to my 8 tbyte hard disk drive D:, an error message is reported very soon: DazToUnrealRuntime not flagged for being included.
In this attempt to build the project, the DazToUnreal plugin was enabled.
I used the Unreal engine to move the Engine/DazToUnreal files to the folder game/DazToUnreal/engine. In such a case Unreal changes all references to these files automatically.
As long as the plugin is enabled the DAZ 8 character can walk using my Unreal animations.
I was told to switch off the plugin as it is used for the transfer only. It was mentioned that it was not required to run my project. Therefore I turn off the plugin which requires a restart of the UNREAL engine.
After that restart with disabled DAZ plugin my character no longer can use my animations. It remains in the default A pose. It is true that I now can package my project without problems, but you can imagine that this is not something I can give out to my beta testers.
Enabling the plugin again and restarting Unreal, my character can walk again.
So my assumption is that I still have to move something from engine to game. But the only files remaining in the engine are 2 C++ files.
Yes, I checked that I don’t have a second version of the software on my disks.
I really hope that you can help me.
I just grabbed the 4.1 DazToUnreal build off Github made a new 4.26.2 project in stock Unreal added a character and animation, then packaged it all into a shipping build without any problems.
I looked back at the original problem that was causing this error. It was because of a missing Intermediate folder in the plugin. Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Intermediate
I also made an update to the Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Source\DazToUnrealRuntime\DazToUnrealRuntime.Build.cs file. I'm not sure if that was needed though.
The one odd difference I'm seeing in your log is that it's calling UnrealBuildTool -Clean in your build for some reason. This might be deleting the Intermediate folder. I'm not sure what option would adding this though. Maybe Project->Packaging->Full Rebuild?
Can you check if you still have the files in the Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Intermediate after your packaging attempt?
Thank you very much. That helps.
Before I package it, I simply copy the content of the ZIP file over the plugin/DazToUnreal folder which replaces all files in there (and adds possibly missing directories and files again). Packaging immediately afterwards works well.
I can now send a version to my beta testers. Thank you very much.
Glad to hear that helps. It makes me think I missed something in the plugin though and you just happened to hit the right combo that break it. I'll dig into it with this extra information. Thanks.
is packaging working for you in ue 5.0 ?
I'm not sure I've tried packaging in UE5 yet. Not ones mentioned a problem with it.
maybe not many people package at all here with ue5
well to be fair the unreal 5 still a earless acess like a alpha then you are not supposed to really making anything "real with it" it's more like for you to learn how to use it for when it's finally get released, because a lot of stuff can and will change over time, this is why i'm only using ue5 to learn and not to proper work.
the thing is whats the problem?
me ?
the bridge ?
ue5 ?
thats what i want to know
UE5 latest Unreal engine 5, it's like Alpha mode but you can try converting your files to UE5 but again since the plugin doesn't work for UE5 only upto 4.26 the only way to move daz3d content into 5 from 4 is by converting 4.26 builds over to 5 tho i haven't tried this and don'tr know if that works without major dramas. Whats the difference between 5 & 4 anyway they figured a better way top use light or renders? I think it's just a gimmick to sell the Meta Human creator seperately.
UE5 latest Unreal engine 5, it's like Alpha mode but you can try converting your files to UE5 but again since the plugin doesn't work for UE5 only upto 4.26 the only way to move daz3d content into 5 from 4 is by converting 4.26 builds over to 5 tho i haven't tried this and don'tr know if that works without major dramas. Whats the difference between 5 & 4 anyway they figured a better way top use light or renders? I think it's just a gimmick to sell the Meta Human creator seperately.