What Are The Risks Of Killing Daz Studio Process?

Hi everyone! :D
I don't like to wait minutes for Daz Studio to close in the background, every time my VRAM is full.
I can "End Task" it through Windows Task Manager.
But people often talk about the importance of that background work, and how we shouldn't kill the process.
Though, I've never noticed any issue with it.
So, what are the actual risks of ending the task?
Thanks in advance for your replies!
Corruption os the settings files, corruption of the database. You could just launch a fresh instance Daz Studio Pro 4.12 - instances
Hi Richard, thank you for your answer!
I know about instances, but I always forget to start a new one before closing Daz.
And that wouldn't solve the VRAM issue I guess!
You can just copy the code that the script produces and paste it into a new shortcut ready for future use, rather than trying to remember to run the script before shutting down. Whether it helped with the VRAM would depend on the point at which that gets released.
Just to add another opinion from the other side.
Offical position is to wait for it to end.
So if you do kill the process (i have a desktop batch file i use), you may eventually have to deal with issues, and need to deal with them.
That said, I do it all the time for a year and half now, and never had on issue on Win7 Pro x64.
Will be trying new Win10 Pro soon, so we'll see if that is OS dependant.
I do alot of TLC with my very big custom database and am usually aware of changes or issues with ongoing backups.
So my opinion would be you need to pay attention if you do decide to follow your own direction and kill the process.
Never lost a setting yet.
The "kill" has saved me immense amounts of time, so I'm gonna keep doing it.
But there is value to Richard's official line of thinking for those who prefer safety and best practices. For sure.
Perhaps a bit like overclocking?
Though is different cos OS temps. But it is about extra awareness too.
For this, I personally tend to minimize at best to keep temps down.
So Kill Process - Yea. Overclock - Min to not at all.
Just another opionion for you to consider.
I think this killing (or more like Daz just crashing) corrupted my workspace several times. I don't see what else it could potentially corrupt and what is all that database used for anyway. (Smart content maybe? but if you have those problems you probably don't use it )
So my recommendation would be to make sure that you saved your workspace configuration in case it gets corrupted and then you can kill Daz process freely without any obvious penalty.
I've never had an issue (at least that I can tell) by doing.
Since the advent of the Studio Instance option, I just start a new one of those; I've had up to about five running as a test, and have more than one rendering at the same time. No issues doing it like that. I regularly have two or three open.