bump map issues

hello guys i've decided to post it because since sometime passed i've noticed which many artists in daz like to use bump maps to add details like poros and bla bla bla, which while it looks nice inside daz outside daz it's a nightmare, yesterday i've decided to give a try in convert bump maps to normal maps to improve my "normal maps", since most of the times my normal maps are a mixing of baked high poly mesh with the character normal map creating a little more detailed normal map, but some details like skin pores or wrinks are done in the bump map, which can be converted to the normal map, the issue is which when applying the bump map outside daz, like for exemple in substance or unreal itself, it make the character looks like a 99999999 years old almost a mmumy here a image:
how daz fix it???? have anyway to "bring this daz fix outside daz???, anyone know a good way to fix those bump maps outside daz???
Just a guess, but Daz might have a multiplier property related to the bump maps that's reducing it's strength. Maybe it's not getting applied here.
your screenshot is in Substance. Just change the height
how i can do that in substance? i'm applying the bump map in the "height map" and it's don't show me any option to Adjust the height it's just use or not
Did you even try to check the documentation? https://docs.substance3d.com/integrations/bump-and-displacement-149291315.html
if you can say me where in substance paint i can acess those options:
this image don't looks like anything on my substance here my substance:
if you can show me how to acess those options i would be happy.
to b fair i'm using fill layer option.
let me be clear i'm not a "expert in substance, i'm pretty between basic and advanced( learned enough to know how to bake and do some tricks here and there but don't really know how to do everything inside it), then i only know how to do some stuffs which are enough for my workflow for now.
you can change the 'strength' of a layer here
there are probably other ways to do it
wow really big thanks to you, it indeed worked perfect
hre the work
now looks more natural than before, now i can transform the bump in normal and have a even more detailed texture for the character.
here it inside unreal
Well when i'm working with texture patterns you need the right scale for the bump maps, you might have to set the depth and strength of the maps through various settings to get the right look you need with the shader your working with, you might try differing displacment sub levels, strength levels as well as set your scale of the tiles if your using displacement patterns, if your using emissive of luminance tiles you need to use gradiance set luminance strength in lumens which one lumen equates to one candle light and other tilling for luminance because they don't use displacement values. You can then throw opacity over them shaders if you need to add any transparency to the shader.