d-force timeline keys
Posts: 751
Can someone point me to a resource that would allow me to modify d-force parameters on the timeline? For example, friction change from one time to another. Can you do that?
I don't think so, not directly - theya re surface proeprties and those are not currently aniamtable. However, properties can be linked to objectb properties via ERC, and that can be set up via a Post Load script as in http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/start#post-load_data_items so I think it would be possible to implement with some coding (assuming the variable values were passed to the simulation engine).
Better keyframe support for this kind of thing would be great.
OK thanks, I'll employ some "tricks" to do it (moving across a material change, effectively).
Keyframing definately needs to be changed in this program. Seems this GLARING and obvious problem is overlooked and ignored despite having 100's of threads about it.
I mean, resetting and deleting keys should have a priority.
How are you going to have some CLOTH SIMILUATION that is highly dependant on it and I have to spend hours trying to remove keyframes, sometimes ruining my whole scene?
Just Google "Can't Reset Keyframes" it's been next to a decade or more and this still hasn't been changed.
dForce should be marketed as: Better Get It Right The First Time Because If Not...
In fact, I should start linking the 100s of threads about this because it's pretty ridiculous at this point.
Removing keyframes is simple - but it depends on the selection you have.