Moving everything to new pc without downloading everything again on 4.15

I bought a new laptop. I freshly installed 4.15. How do I move all my products over without redownloading everything. I copied the cloud folder(daz connect) over then got no thumbnails and products missing( in smart content). Please help.
PS: I did basically this :
Post edited by GreyMan on
I am not familiar with using Daz Connect, I use DIM, Hopefully someone else can add help.
I'm assuming a windows install?
Your CMS (Content Management System) is all linked correctly?
Compare the paths from the old install and the new one.
If you haven't copied yet, it is helpful to keep all the relative paths the same. By that I mean if your old content path was D:users\public\public documents\ etc..., keep the same path on the new machine.
If something goes wrong it is easier to troubleshoot (If it worked on your old system, it should work on the new)
I believe you need to copy over the windows:\appdata/roaming/Daz 3d/ (I'll look for the exact folder address).
Thanks for the reply. It is a windows 10 install on a brand new laptop with a R9-5900hx and a rtx 3070. CMS works fine. I can load the G8 Starter Essentials just fine from smart content. I can even load a scene from my old pc just fine from content library. I have tried re importing metadata, scanning folders, etc, etc. When I download one of my products it shows up in smart content and I can load it from smart content, but the old stuff is just not there. Almost like it wants you to re download it. The only difference between the two systems is the old one was on 4.14(I think)
I will wipe the pc and reinstall windows and daz and try again. :(
It sounds like you've copied over the files and just some of the items don't load?
And it sounds like you use Daz Connect to install, not DIM?
I had a different issue when I did a reinstall, but I do recall I was told that Connect items will only load through connect (unless you uninstall, wipe and redownload) from within Studio.
A silly question, but if the items in question are connect, are you working online from within studio?
Or, if they are older items that won't show, could it be they are not available through Connect and you need to downlaod either manually or through DIM?
Doing a reinstall is not fun if you have a lot of content. Sorry I'm not any help, I've always stuck with DIM as opposed to Connect.
There are some smarter folks than me that helped me out, hopefully they'll see your message and chime in with better suggestions than me.
On a different tack, did you keep copies of the downloaded zips?
On my last reinstall I kept the zips in the event of another crash, never thought of doing it prior as I could always redownload, but having the zips (assuming you have the storage, like an external drive) makes it easier and faster to reinstall, and only some are having problems, you can just install those packages without wiping your whole content library.