2 gpu when rendering nothing changes Riser power usb connector

donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
edited March 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi everyone I have an old 1050ti(primary) and ancient gtx 960 sli connected and did some render test... nothing changes did not even see any improvement any comments regarding my setup? : ) and using Riser usb connector for secondary gpu is ok? thanks.

Post edited by donchan1 on


  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    I don't think SLI works with rendering, could be wrong thoguh.

  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
    edited March 2021

    TheKD said:

    I don't think SLI works with rendering, could be wrong thoguh.

    My current 16 core pc cannot take 2 gpu at the same time LOL because of the casing size, Im thinking of wether upgrading to a fancy video card or the pc itselft and leaning towards video cards with multiple sli connections? need your thoughts on this thanks.

    Post edited by donchan1 on
  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706
    edited March 2021

    Personally, I stopped bothering to try and score the elusive new GPU's, and have instead started looking to do the rest of my PC. A new mobo and a ryzen with more cores would help my blender/houdini sims, so might as well. Botters are snatching up most of the cards that get sold, then ebaying them for double+ the price they got it at, or putting them into mining rigs. Back in the day, I decided never to put money in scalper's pockets ever again(when scalpers snatched up all the free ozzfest tickets and sold them for more than a ticket usually costed, pissed me off lol).

    If you already have a decent rig(16 cores don't sound too bad, unless it's like ancient xeons or something), maybe be more cost effective to just buy a phanteks full tower case(Doesn't have to be phanteks of course, but they seem to be the best price to quality ratio these days, built my last rig in a phanteks full tower, lots of room. Makes installing stuff easier, and of course air flow is goooood)

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Not sure what you mean by nothing changes...

    Regarding the SLI I didn't think GPU's of that era even had SLI connectors, or else what they had was of little use if the intent was to pool the VRAM?

    If you have Windows 10 you can start Task Manager and under the Performance tab you should see both your GPU's. Click on each, and in one of the graphs select the tiny dropdown arrow next to the graph title and select CUDA. As your rendering in Iray you should see both of the CUDA graphs to up to near maximum. If not, somethings not right. Maybe you overloaded the VRAM in the GPU's or some other problem. The 1050ti only has like 4GB, and the 960 only has like 2GB or 4GB? Pretty easy to run out of VRAM at those levels. 

  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
    edited March 2021

    @TheKD: I agree with you on the videocard mania just noticed the steep prices of video card nowadays and most of them were sold out on my local geek shop. I was deciding wether take the route of video card upgrade or pc or could be both :D, Iray has improved alot on Daz3d and with PBR which is very promising but its on early stage shows Daz3d can be very functional both in gpu and cpu renderings.

    @ebergerly: sorry my mistake its a power riser usb where you can attached a video card, here are the settings while rendering on Iray.



    Post edited by donchan1 on
  • ebergerlyebergerly Posts: 3,255

    Yeah, it sure looks like your GPU's aren't being used during the render. You might want to take a look at the log file and see what it says (Help/Troubleshooting). 

  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48

    ebergerly said:

    Yeah, it sure looks like your GPU's aren't being used during the render. You might want to take a look at the log file and see what it says (Help/Troubleshooting). 



    Here are the log file during rendering im using both 2 gpu and a cpu same render settings as above.


  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
    edited March 2021

    ebergerly said:

    Yeah, it sure looks like your GPU's aren't being used during the render. You might want to take a look at the log file and see what it says (Help/Troubleshooting). 

    LOL  indecision after all these time I never knew I was only rendering with CPU! there are numerous times my pc would shut down because of overheat little did I know that my gpu cards are slacking during rendering. I tried turning off the cpu on render settings and it nothing would be rendered if I just use all gpu's, i was thinking that the cpu and gpu are working together, here are more settings need help. (dont mind that uncheck gpu's its all check when I rendered everytime just did some experiment and still nothing changes)

    Post edited by donchan1 on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    The snippet of the log just confirms that you are rendering on CPU alone, but doesn't include the explanation as to why.

    You can attach the log file (the actual file) to your post with "Attach a file" below the "Leave a Comment" window.

  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
    edited March 2021

    @PetttiA,ebegerly,Thekd: I have finally found a solution I just updated my Graphics driver and now all is working fine, thanks alot if not for you guys I would never have idea that my gpu was slacking during rendering my pc 16core must be blazing fast : ) . I just did some render test and can confirm my gpu was rendering too and its way faster and also can confirm that you can use a gpu with riser connection and it would work perfectly, here are the result of my render test.Another question what does nVlink Peer Group size do?


    Post edited by donchan1 on
  • donchan1donchan1 Posts: 48
    edited March 2021

    @PetttiA,ebegerly,Thekd: I have finally found a solution I just updated my Graphics driver and now all is working fine, thanks alot if not for you guys I would never have idea that my gpu was slacking during rendering my pc 16core must be blazing fast : ) . I just did some render test and can confirm my gpu was rendering too and its way faster and also can confirm that you can use a gpu with riser connection and it would work perfectly, here are the result of my render test. Another question what does nVlink Peer Group size do?


    Post edited by donchan1 on
  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    Glad you got it working. I have no clue what that is for, but the name suggests it has something to do with that newfangles NVlink stuff. As far as I know, it's like a newer version of SLI that allows you to pool VRAM on RTX cards. Not entirely sure I got it right though.

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