Old props to new DAZ 4.6?

TomViolaTomViola Posts: 103

I am working on my fourth graphic novel, still using DAZ 3. I have been having problems getting DAZ 4.6 to work. For the most part, I think I have resolved all major problems. The way I resolved the differences it to have DAZ 3 on one computer, and DAZ 4.6 on another. I am now starting the learning curvy so that my next book will be produced on DAZ 4.6. However, I have one remaining problem.

I must have approximately 1500 props. The vast majority of them originated from shopping on DAZ. However, some of my older ones have come from other vendors. These are generally old and I no longer have the zip file that they were downloaded on. So I tried to copy the file from the PC that has DAZ 3 onto a thumb drive, and then paste that file into the content folder for DAZ 4.6 on the other PC. This did not work. While I can access the MAT files for this prop, I cannot access the actual prop itself.

Is there a way of doing this?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    edited December 1969

    There shouldn't be any issue with DS3 and DS4 on the same machine - I usually do (not at the moment as I'm still reinstalling after a HD swap).

    If the props are in .daz format you need their files from the \Data directory - if you saved them out yourself it will be in \Data\3_x\objname_vertexcount. Poser-format props wil probably have an OBJ in the \Runtime\Geometries folder. Both formats will need any textures, usually somewhere in \Runtime\Textures. It may be better to copy the whole of the content folders across rather than trying to do it piecemeal.

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