Water running over face effect?

Sorry for poor english.
I'm trying to do a render that the water is running over my character's face. It is possible to create this kind of effect In daz studio? If not, what software can achive such effect and can be import into daz studio?
I'm looking for methods to fully costomize the effect myself and not use somebody else preset work.

Screenshot - 2021-03-24 00.01.21.png
701 x 919 - 1M

Screenshot - 2021-03-24 00.00.35.png
587 x 850 - 465K

Screenshot - 2021-03-24 00.01.04.png
552 x 394 - 406K
Blender has two separate fluid sims now, and they also just added geometry nodes so you can scatter water droplets over a character's skin. Just export it back into Daz Studio as an *.obj, apply a water/glass shader, and it should do fine.
I would say : liquid simulation !
See the dedicated topic : Fluidos II in the Daz commercial product forum : page 4 (not face but hands example )
Thank you, will look into that :D