NFT and the Future of Digital Content
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NFTs for the uber rich when that 10th Bugatti just doesn't fill the hole anymore.
Side note - when people are comparing the old DRM scheme DAZ tried to implement to this new NFT scheme, they're referring to how well the DRM went over in the forums (a.k.a. it went over as well as a lead balloon near a black hole.) People were angry, refused to buy anything with DRM, and eventually DAZ relented after several months of trying to promote how great an idea it was. Us old timers are saying, "Yeah, this NFT thing is about as popular as the DRM was and will probably end up discarded by DAZ after months of being telling us how we'd learn to appreciate it any day now." Although the technologies have nothing to do with each other, the basic principles of "What does this accomplish?" and "How does this help me with my art?" have the same answer - neither does a thing for what we care about. NFT doesn't solve anything for us. It's a weird, new shiny that is taking away resources from DS - catching up on customer tickets, fixing filament transparency issues, improving render times, etc.
Yeh things do seem a tad over-priced. Shudu 24k on OpenSea $184.09 and all you get is a video. I suppose it would be bought on speculation that it could be on-sold for more.... like how the stock market works.
Have no idea what any of this is and reading through this thread has just confused me even more. As a digital artist, I sell originals all the time, as in print said digital work, sell in art gallery, never print said work again (all are printed as one off's).
$185 might be a small amount of money, unless you are planning to use that investment to conduct a private sale to move a large sum of money untraced.
This may not be what will / can happen, but its one of the things that concern me about the whole scheme.
Too soon.
There is also the tendancy for DAZ to abandon initiatives... Example: going from DIM, to Connect, to Central. With very little notice or documentation. Instead of improving on a base, a new base is devised and that gets the attention. And usually just inherits the flaws of the previous bases.
As someone who remembers the days of hundreds of individual install packages that had to be clicked through, at least I can say there was progress at first.
Thanks and good to know. I do not have such a big amount of money to buy or sell NFTs,
so I just skip all this hype about NFTs.
I use Daz items in my spare time and as a hobby, so rendering and showing up my results, just make me happy after work.
Exactly my sentiment (I asked a similar question to yours for the same reason). Except that I am retired so I make myself happy making pictures for more hours a day.
This whole NFT business is a pig in a poke.
"You basically get a receipt that you purchased an image..." My understanding is that's not the case. You haven't purchased the image in the conventional sense because you have no ownership rights to it. What you've purchased is a token that points to a piece of digital content that acts as a certificate of authenticity for that content. You will have no copy copyright or reproduction rights to it and there's nothing that stops other people reproducing or redistributing it.
This is a good idea for the render.
I have checked the explanation on the:
Never buy a "cat in a bag" is a similar common phrase suggesting the same sentiment.macka v vrecu
The NFT Art Heists May Have Begun...
Caveat Emptor...
I wyll neuer bye the pyg in the poke
Thers many a foule pyg in a feyre cloke. And apprently also where the term "let the cat out of the bag" came from ;). My grandmother used to call stuff a pig in a poke all the time (PA Dutch/German lady).
It's actually worse than that because you don't actually get to own the pig, or the poke or even the air in the bag. You're just buying the right to say you saw the bag and the pig and they do exist. The purchase is illusory and nothing to do with art, or if you ask me, it's anti-art and not something Daz should be getting involved with.
I agree completely.
I never said otherwise. The difference between "purchased an image" and "purchased the non-exclusive right to download an image file" is just a matter of semantics.
Sorry margrave. I'm a teacher so I'm a bit of a semantics/grammar nazi.
Fair enough. Unfortunately this thread moves quick, so we gotta be quick and concise or we get left behind.
Quickly not quick... use the adverb not the adjective.... see what I mean LOL.
DIM hasn't gone anywhere. That is all I use. Each of the others was an attempt to make something that was easier and more approachable for new users. But DIM has always been there.
I know it hasn't gone anywhere, but it certainly hasn't progressed either. There's been no major updates to its functionality, no real user manual. And, instead, the resources were tossed to Central and Connect.
If they really wanted to introduce DRM, why wasn't it just included into DIM? Instead of creating a brand new method for distribtution? That's what I mean about being abandoned; supported but not improved.
I'm still a bumbling amateur after 20 years plodding along with DAZ products. I probably only have a few pitiful renders in my gallery. I haven't shared many images elsewhere. Frankly, I'd be amazed if someone even bothered to steal my work.
I looked at the NFT stuff here again. It looks like they're trying to sell us their "imaginary art." I don't have any art on my walls, and surelty won't buy anything that is nothing more than a wispy token.
Improved can be a double-edged sword in the land of Daz. Not saying it can't use some improvements (I would like the ability to see a thumbnail, for example) but, from past experience, if they were to improve it there would be a huge uproar and the sky would be falling for certain users. Daz has never really be strong on user manuals, that is just a "Install, done" kind of thing so maybe they didn't think there needed to be one.
Do you have the NFT for that? If so, I'll buy it from you for $5000 in Bitcoin.
I am an exquisite art collector and a man of incredible taste.
Sadly, you are quite correct here. I would love to one day be able to have meaningful search and filtering functions, but I know thats just a pipe dream.
Neither do I Ron. I was once an avid phtographer but I no longer take a camera on vacation and seldom take photos at all. I realised that in trying to capture the moment on film, it was making miss enjoying that moment or at least downgrading it as a memory. I do love using DS and enjoy the process of putting scenes together, kitbashing, personalising textures etc. The final image comes secondary for me.