A Couple of Viewport Quirks

I'm not sure whether I am the only one who has noticed these odd little viewport glitches but I'd be interested to know if I am.
1. Mesh Smoothing stops working. All of a sudden I start seeing poke-through all over and realise that smoothing is not working. I go into the Mesh Smoothing tab and it is turned-on but not working. I can force it to work by turning-on "Interactive Update" but I can also leave it not working and eventually it starts working again.
2. The Viewport Layout rearranges itself. Sometimes the tabs switch around and I have to put them back to where I am used to having them. Other times, the top row of icons loses all spacing and they end up in one continuous left-justifed row. I can sometimes get them back to my preference by minimising the DAZ Strudio Window and then restoring it to full-screen.
These are not big issues but annoying when I am used to everything being in a certain place and the Viewport decides otherwise.
Haven't seen the second one myself.
The first one, i've been dealing with off an on since, iirc, 4.11 or 4.10, can't remember it prior to that.
Definitely present in 4.12(my daily driver currently, cause hardware).
It's sporatic as heck, gone days/weeks without it happening, then i'll have a day where it's almost constantly happening.
I can't even get it to replicate consistently in testing.
No, I can't replicate either but I am now on 4.15 (the General Release) and they are both still happening. No point in reporting it to suppoort because they always ask for replication. There seems to be nothing consistent about the scenes that I have noticed either but I suspect that loading some products resets something to do with the viewport layout but I have not been able to pinpoint any offending products.
These are just annoying inconveniences, much like the annoying way that some poses reset the figure back to World Centre or somewhere other than where I want the figure to remain. Or the fact that I can't have a default scene with Screen Lights (CRTL-L) set to ON so my scene loads in total darkness. Or that there is no simple way to clear the timeline or to save a single frame from an animation as a scene...
... I could go on.
Sure - I really hope the new QT means a much improved UI. Not that I dislike the DAZ Studio viewport - I prefer it to Blender and I tried out ZBrush and was horrified. Indeed, I actually paid for Poser but couldn't get on with that viewport either. Still the things you mention are long-time gripes of mine too. I did report the properties cut-off to Support but nothing happened.
I have no trouble there, except that the line of high;ight colour appears along what would be the top of the docked pane rather than along the space I am hovering the mouse over.
Layou chnaging sounds like corruption of the layout files - can becaused by DS being force quit, by over-zealous security software, or even by plain disc errors.
That's very nonintuitive, but to my surprise it actually worked.
Then I tried it again, and now my timeline is stuck on the left side of the screen without a docker. Even turning it off and on again from the Panes menu leaves it stuck like that.
Time to reset the layout, I guess.
Sorry for leading you astray.
I only have MalwareBytes and the standard Windows 10 security software installed (I find most of the commercial security software far too intrusive and disruptive). I'm pretty sure that it hasn't happened because of force-quit because I hardly ever force-quit DAZ Studio, nor is it prone to crashing these days, yet the tab rearrangement happens quite often. It happened before I upgraded my PC (new disks among many other upgrades) and it is still happening, so I don't think it is hardware either. But if I am the only one experiencing this particular glitch, it must be something to do with my configuration.
I certainly can't say I've seen random layout changes
Window > Workspace > Lock Docking/Undocking (or Ctrl U) - it usually only happens to me when I accidently have turned this off.