Products showing up as not installed

Gemini QueenGemini Queen Posts: 263

In the smart content, some of the products that I recently purchased are coming up with the little triangle in the frame, which I thought indicated that the product wasn't installed correctly. I'm going to try to uninstall and re-install, but is there another fix for this? And better question, is there a reason why they come up that way? I've included a picture to show some of what I'm talking about. Thanks! 

EDIT - Tried uninstalling and re-installing some of them, it did not work. They still come out the same way. This is not to say that they don't work or anything, but I would like to see the image there like I do with all my other products. 

ANOTHER EDIT - It would seem that this is a known issue at the moment with many of the newer products that came out this month. I'll wait to worry about this until later. Hopefully there will be a fix for this soon. 

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