is this a good video Card for Daz Studio Iray and Models ??

is this a good video Card for Daz Studio Iray and Models ??
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 AMP! Edition, ZT-P10800C-10P, 8GB GDDR5X Ice Storm Cooling, Metal Wraparound Carbon ExoArmor exterior, Ultra-wide 100mm Fans Gaming Graphics Card.
Post edited by Chohole on
It's a good card but will probably not work with Iray in a couple years. It was released in 2016. Maxwell cards will soon not work and Pascal cards like the 1080 will probably be dropped for support for Iray in a couple years. Also, Iray loads extra code into older cards so newer features will work. The extra code takes away a chunk of memory.
How much are they asking? Currently almost all GPUs are grosly overpriced, if they are available at all - once that situation improves (or if you can sign up for a store that operates a queue for cards at MSRP as stock becomes available) then you should be able to get a much better card for, probably, a similar cost - it's just a matter of how long you can wait.
I'd say no.Not so much because eventually Pascal may dropped but purely because of 3 reasons:
8GB VRam is a bit on the short side
Pascal does not support RTX Cuda cores which should give a reasonable bump
These old cards are currently affected by the complete madness when it comes to pricing - the price on tha Amnazon link are higher than the original release MSRP
So, if you want/need to lay your money down for a GFX cards there are better choices
old generation RTX2080Ti wiht 11GB VRam, alternatively 270&Supwer with 8GB. TThe old generation still supports memory pooling via NV-LINK so you can effectively double the VRam if your MoBo/PSU support this
then the RTX3060 with 16GB was just released it should run you the same money as the 1080 listed (if youn are able to hint one down) comes with comparable, slighlty better 3D performance (if you game in between rendering) but doubles the VRAM and adds RTX Cuda cores to the render mix.
yes that is so scary, I have a 980ti and utterly no way to buy a newer card in the foreseeable future.
hope DAZ extends us the courtesy of notification before withdrawing the previous build when it happens but yes my preferred program Carrara no longer being updated by DAZ is the least of my worries when their flagship program DAZ Studio is also in danger of becoming redundant on my rig.
I already have lost support for my spare card the 780