Anyone know anything about the Studded Jeans outfit

As posted here:
It says it is unrigged? What exacly does that mean? and it then says it's for GF8, I assume it's just the model, has anyone imported FBX files and can add some tips, before I delve into it?
I used the transfer utility to fit it, I only bought it because it was in a sale last year very cheap
That the product is a static object without moving parts. If you want to use it on a character you'll need to transform it into conforming clothes yourself.
It was modeled around G8F base. So to rig it you would start by using the transfer utility with G8F as the source figure. That will give you a basic fit, you may need to adjust the weight maps and/or create correction morphs for it to fit well when the figure is morphed or posed.
Thanks you two, I appreciate the information. The model has intrigued me since I first saw it and I've wanted to get it, but don't want to get myself into another "have to learn 25 new things about model creation in DAZ Studio" to use it.
That was then, now I think I have a very good use for it, or something that is VERY similar.
Leana you mentioned weight mapping, know of any really good tutorials on how to do and adjust weight mapping?