Daz Awarded MegaGrant from Epic Games!

We're proud to receive a MegaGrant from Epic Games for our work in bridging Daz 3D content to their Unreal Engine with the Unreal Bridge.
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We're proud to receive a MegaGrant from Epic Games for our work in bridging Daz 3D content to their Unreal Engine with the Unreal Bridge.
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Congratulations! What good news!
weird to link their linkedin page but ok
wow awesome news, see this is wha i'm talking about, now if daz continue to devolve on that and improve they compatibility with epic and unreal, we can get even more, epic is the type to get easy interested in stuffs they see "being worth of, then would be cool if daz really start to move more on that direction it can make daz get even more spotlight.
Congratulations, well done!
Wow! I can't believe it! This is kind of insane!
whats that ? megagrant ?
and what for exactly ?
presumably to improve the bridge and compatibility
Reallusion got a MegaGrant from Epic to continue improvement for the iClone UnReal Live Link last May. MegaGrants vary in amounts. Wendy is probably correct. Krita was given $25,000 for painting tools and Blender got $1.2 Million.
Yay, great news... this hopefully ensures updated bridges to Unreal Engine 5 and beyond
yeah i hope it help fixing stuffs more fast, one glitch which i really would love to disappear is the glitch of double geografity elements like centaur horse part or gens, it's annoying get "duplicated" stuffs from those.
Does this Epic Games MegaGrant mean the MacOS BigSur version of DAZ 3D is coming back? By the way I have been playing around with the sample MetaHumans in Unreal 4.26 and they work perfectly on the Mac! Even my late 2013 Macbook Pro that only has a NVIDIA GT 750M can run the MetaHumans in Medium quality mode!
Frequently Asked Questions - Unreal Engine
Great because I have a boat load of content that should I should be able to get optimized into UE very easily and correctly. Ideally I'd like to have a DSON layer, if that's what DAZ calls it, in UE and Blender for my DAZ purchases so that they handled DAZ content in it's native DSON format directly in Blender & UE and that DSON layer format handing was included to export out to mobile and game platforms.
DAZ materials need serious LOD and exclusion handling in UE, Blender and games, especially mobile games though too. Those things are all free up hobbyists to devote more time to actually developing unique games and animated videos and not waste time on translating constantly changing proprietary gateways.
Fun made much easier sounds very cool to me and making our money spent more relevant in being easier to use it for the purpose we spent it on is totally what a good business is supposed to do.
Coming back? We know daz is working on Big Sur compatibility, and I would imagien that is what many of the Source Maintenance entries in the change log are for.
Hopefully some of that money could be used to finally work out a way to give people explicit confirmation about the specific Interactive Licenses that they bought instead of just providing the helpful information that they seemingly bought an "Interactive License" of nothing specific multiple times.
Maybe some AI could work it out
Seriously, though, congrats, good to see Daz stays in the game.
i am hoping for a well made uptodate daztounreal video documentation
the existing one is outdated and very bad quality
It would be nice yes but you don't actually have to list DAZ 3D or the PAs in any of the credits and no one will care about the credits unless you make a lot of money in any case.
But that's the whole plan ;)
Congrats Daz 3D. Well deserved award.
Will be interesting to see, if Daz 3D will support Apple M1 CPU, which appeaars in the new Macbook laptops and be able to use its M1 GPU.
I have not heard of any plans incorporating Nvidia cards on the newer Macbook Pro from Apple. It belongs to the past.