Product preview image unavailable (0Kb)

A lot of preview image in my smart content are not available.
So I search the forum and follow this solution :
I delete all 0Kb image files and update metadata.
But after all files are 0kb again.
Tried to delete a json file and its image, update metadata : same result : 0kb!
So I looked at json file and see the url for thumbnail.
For example : Mabel 8.
URL for thumbnail is
Tried to navigate to this link : 404 not found!
Product in daz is here :
If I replace the thumbnail url is json file and do update metadata it's ok. But I have more than 400 files like that :(
Is there another way to do that?
No wonder the servers are having problems if every installation of DS all over the globe is supposed to call home and get the thumbnail information for each and every item installed in each and every computer...
What do you see if you use DS in offline mode?
I am working offline and I don't see anything
I'm having the exactly same problem. All products I've bought and installed this weekend are missing their previews - and the link in the json file points to a non-existent page
Same here