Using keyboard to move parameter dials


I'm wondering is there a way to move the parameter dials using keyboard? Is there any keys/shortcuts I can press to move the dial?

Thank you very much


  • There's actually some keyboard shortcuts that you might be looking for. In on the top of you screen, you should see this little square that looks like some bricks. If you click on it, it'll toggle on and off the keyboard controls. In order to change said keyboard controls, go to the Window tab, hit workspace and then customize. It'll bring up a window. If you're looking at the parameters tab specifically, then you'll need to find the parameters parent tab in list, expand it, and then you'll see all the options there. Say for example, I want to change the "Limits Off (Rotation) to M. Then I'll right click on that, hit "Change Keyboard Shortcut, and then kit the key that I want for it. I got some pictures in a step by step for you, so it should be a little eaiser. 

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