Scripts tab

gtino825gtino825 Posts: 0
edited March 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

can someone tell me why the Scripts tab disappears and there is no way to restore it

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Moved to Daz Studio Discussion as it is a general daz Studio question, not about writing scripts.

    I assume you mean the Scripts menu, rather than the ScriptIDE pane (tab)? There are numerous wways to remove that - loading a layout which lacks it, for example, or soemtimes force-closing Daz Studio through Task manager or the like. Disc errors or over zealous security or maintenance software might also dmage or revert the files. We need more information on when it happens, and on what you do, and on your system details before any reala dvice can be offered - other than once you have the menu as you want it, use Window>Workspace>Save Layout to save the layout to a file (and back up your docuemnts and settings, of course).

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