Help, cant edit hair item for Bear Clan figure in geometry editor

Im trying to hide parts of the wearable hair item that comes with the Bear Clan figure so the parts that are sticking through clothing cant be seen. Doing this worked fine with another figure (SkinChangers) but with this hair item there are no polygons to hide. Is there a way I can do this for this item??
Bear Clan uses dForce hair, which means that the geometry is generated by a separate engine, rather than being pre-made geometry. You can add an opacity map to the surface settings of the hair, under the (I THINK, but I'm in the process of doubling-checking) PS hairs density parameter.
I dont suppose you could walk me through how to do that.....
Which part? The opacity map, the surface settings, or both?
opacity map
Take the base G8 texture maps (runtime/textures/Daz/Characters/Genesis 8/MaleBase or FemaleBase), and color over them with white where you want hair, black where you don't, and shades of grey where you want some.
The base texture map of the figure or the hair? Sorry, this is just new territory for me. Thanks though.
Wait lets see, color the base figure texture map and apply that to the ps hair density parameter correct?
Actually, I was wrong about that. You want it in either PR hairs density or PR hairs scale. I did some tests on Oso's Thicket:
And the hastily-made opacity map I used:
I should note that Bear Clan might come with its own density and scale maps, in which case you'd probably be better off editing those than what I did. Not doing that is why the scale render looks so crazy compared to the others.
Hey man thanks a lot for this. Ill play around with it and see what happens
Got it to work, thanks for the help!
Happy to help.