Possible corrupt source files?

Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 659


I finally got all my DAZ purchases reloaded into the system, but I found there are four items that refuse to load for some reason.

The three that are IDing by their Product#s (Galapagos Tortoise, Allosaurus, and Secret Garden Shaded Haven), I can understand if they're no longer supported.

But the Waterfall Tails Stylized Hair for Genesis 3 Females(s) should still be active.


I also notice that in the INFO tab, that all their Release Dates are December 31, 1969!?

Possible Corupt Files.png
530 x 857 - 155K
Post edited by Ryuu@AMcCF on


  • Are they failing tomplace  files, or are the files failing to open? How are you installing - if Connect (within Daz Studio) have you tried using Install Manager, or vice versa?

  • Looking at the Screen cap, they aren't installed.

    Hence the greyed out thumbnails and the "Installed:No" in the "Tips" section at the bottom.

    As richard says, try reinstalling.

    If that doesn't work, with DIM, connect, or central, try manually reinstalling.


  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 659

    I recently had to remove everything connected to DAZ Studio, including DIM, and am in still in process of getting everythng loaded back in.

    I haven't reloaded DIM yet, this was all installed directly through DS automatically reaching out to the shop. But I had the same issue before DS crashed for the Tortoise, Allosaur, and Hidden Garden items. They wouldn't load then with DIM, either. The G3 Hair is a new problem, which is what prompted me to ask about this.

    When I selected each of those four in DS for Available Install, the INFO tab at the bottom is telling me their Release Date is back in 1969, which seems to me that there's corrupt data in downloading them, especially when the original three items are saying My Purchase Date was ALSO 1969! (yeah, we have desktop Cray Computers now--but back in 1969, Cray Computers were the size of apartments--AND they needed top-of-the-line IBM machines as I/O buffers! I only wish I had those back then!!laugh)

  • edited March 2021

    Just tested with Shaded  haven, and i'm getting a different thumbnail, than OP, and my purchase date is the same as the creation date, and this account didn't even exist in 2011.

    I didn't have a problem double clicking the grey icon and getting it to install though.

    Update, apparently connect only installs the DS materials part of the product and not the base product, which is poser only.


    And people wonder why i went to manual install years ago.




    shaded haven.jpg
    1280 x 943 - 227K
    Post edited by DrunkMonkeyProductions on
  • The Shaded Haven zip seems complete, downloaded from my Account page, so the DIM version should also be fine.

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