Genesis 8.1 Voice Morphs

I'm trying to find where the morphs are for the mouth morphs when forming different sounds. I've not had an issue with finding and exporting these with Genesis 8 figures, but I don't see them for Genesis 8.1.
Specifically what I'm talking about is when you are exporting a character and you are choosing the morphs you want to export, I will export the Morphs under Pose Controls like "AA", "EE", "EH", etc.
I don't see these anywhere with a Genesis 8.1 character.
Thanks for any help.
Post edited by waltercl on
Those are called "visemes", if that helps. I've barely touched G8.1 since it came out, so I can't tell you offhand whether it has them, or where they'd be.
Visemes don't seem to exist for 8.1 at the current time.
Making the visemes and G8 base expressions (and any expressions that are using them) work on G8.1 requires removing dummy/placeholder expressions that are installed to G8.1 morph folders - These dummy/placeholder expression files have no other function than to prevent the base G8 expressions from loading.
The dummy/placeholder files are located in;
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Base Pose Head\ (255 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Expressions\ (24 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Base Pose Head\ (255 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Expressions\ (24 files)
Please make sure you are removing the files from G8.1 morph folders and not G8 morph folders.
I can confirm this works.
What does it break?
If you open the files in Notepad++ you can see that they are masqurading as the G8 ones but without any function = There is nothing inside to make a dial with.
Two or three of the G8 expressions are labeled the same as G8.1 expressions but that is easy to change.