[SOLVED] Grovebrook Park not playing nice with Iray

Pretty much every render I run regardless of the set I'm using plays nicely with Iray and, when it doesn't, I'm able to fix it with a restart of Daz. But rendering any scenes with the Grovebrook Park pieces (the houses and the park itself) always goes to the CPU, even if I delete or hide large portions of it. Any tips or suggestions on getting this to play nicer with Iray, am I just SOL?

And because I'm relatively new at this and still learning the technical jargon, here are some additional details for context in case it helps explain the issue I'm having:

  • Almost every other scene, I can run 5000 to 6000 iterations in 20 minutes.
  • When I try to render something using the Grovebrook Park pieces, it takes 2 hours to run less than 2000 iterations. It says it's using Iray, but the CPU is at 100% and GPU is at 0%.
  • I realize it might be a memory issue. I'm running an EVGA 3080 with 10 GB. I would have thought deleting/hiding objects in the scene would help, but it hasn't.

End result looks fine of course, but just takes a looooot longer.

Post edited by [email protected] on


  • 1,000 pixels square with a Park Group and a Terrace Group loaded it used 9.1GB on my 2080Ti, so it might be at least tight on your 10GB card with a larger render or more elements. Rezing some of the maps might help without an appreciable impact on the final render, depending on what is close to the camera.

  • Thanks, I'll try tweaking some of that. Appreciate it!

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,305

    If you're going to render a lot of big scenes, you might want to look into Scene Optimizer and Camera View Optimizer.

  • HMM I'm not getting the same with the entire scene up. we're both using 10 gb cards. here is one I did recently and it rendered pretty quickly. Ugh why would a forum for a program that default makes PNG's insist on JPEG's

    now this is the entire Grovebrook park scene BUT I retextured just about everything. its always possible there is a wonky original texture chewing up memory.

    3840 x 2160 - 5M
  • I'm not sure exactly what did it, but I changed the HDRI (not as a fix but because I didn't like the result I had), turned off Progressive Rendering, changed pixel filtering from gaussian at 1.5 (the default? I don't recall ever setting this) to mitchel at 1.1 (Admission of Stupidity and Ignorance:  I don't know what this does but read it somewhere?), and now it's utilizing the GPU again.

    Thank you for the help and feedback all. Really appreciate the willingness to help.

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