basic animate lite questions please

I never used daz to animate apart simple tests, and I'd have a few questions that apparently can't find the answer for on google, despite they're simple.
1) How do I save a aniblock that I created ? It seems to me that the save icon is missing or the feature is disabled may be. I have daz studio 4.15.
2) It seems the aniblock animation is no more available after I bake to keyframes. That is, I create the aniblock animation, then bake to keyframes, then save the keyframe animation and delete it. Now I want to go back to aniblocks, they're there but when I play nothing moves. The message says I have to "enable the aniblock track", how do I do it ? Is this a disabled feature too ?
I believe you need the full paid version of aniMate 2 to save your own aniblocks
Once you bake to studio keyframes you have to once again "create aniblock from studio keyframes" if that feature is available in animate lite
Thank you @wolf359 I was suspecting that saving aniblocks was disabled but needed a confimation. As for disabled aniblocks may be I was not clear. When I bake to keyframes I don't delete the aniblocks they are there, just don't work anymore. Also I get a message telling to enable the tracks when I'm done, that I don't understand what I have to do.
That is, once I bake to keyframes the aniblock animation system doesn't work anymore. I can create a new aniblock animation but it doesn't play. It seems I have to do something to go back from timeline to animate.
You need to have the full animate2 version to edit,bake, or save aniblocks. animate-lite is just a demo version. so you can see what animate is about and what it does. anything else is a effort in futility
Options 2: (my recommendation) save animation as a animated pose preset . no animate2 or aniblocks or baking animation is required. all you need is just the daz studio timeline and the animation remains fully editable
Yes on Ivy's recommendation, and...
Thank you all for your reply. Now I know I'm not doing something wrong and those are just disabled features. It would be nice if disabled features would be more explicit, so the user doesn't waste time trying to understand why it doesn't work.
So "simply renabled the animate2 tracks" should be "this feature is disabled please get the full version".
edit. I got it, it's not a disabled feature. I just have to enable the track as the popup says, but I didn't know how. So for the record, animate lite can bake to and from the timeline, it just doesn't save aniblocks it seems.