How come Daz does not have Deer Hunting Clothes for Models?

How come Daz does not have Deer Hunting Clothes for Models?
I been searchng through Daz stuff for Male & Female clothes for Deer hunting or bear hunting uniforms and clothes and rifles and ammo packs for belts.
all I get is midevil clothes and sci-fi clothes and cyborg clothes and stuff, is there any Modern day Deer hunting clothes and stuff so i can render a image of a Deer hunter in a scene with a Deer in the field??
Post edited by commando991_70eecfd4fc on
what does one wear hunting a deer?
being Australian I wouldn't know, we just wear normal outdoorsy stuffs.
maybe this, cannot link
ArtDev DarkVoid Exploration Unit Gilley Suit For G3 Male
according to google images it's just someone in camo
You're thinking to specifically.
Look for items that match or are close to the style, and apply a camo material.
Attaching a couple quickie concepts, using various clothing sets, lumberjack, construction worker, underbelly, gangster weapons, with some alternative materials applied.
Not particularly good, but it get's the idea across.
what is he doing to that dead deer
He's probably going to rub it's belly.
Nuttin, the deer's perfectly alive, it's just being playful.
I deer hunt in the nude like my ancestors did.
"yes' simular to this, with the safety vest on, but the clothes has to be more "REALISTIC" like the newer models of Genesis 3 to 8 cause the newer deers and animals look more real too!
so thanks for the help, to get my point out, for American "DEER HUNTER" images, but what type of clothing is on Daz website for sale to create this deer Hunter?
plus, need Hunting rifle and Hunting knives and in modern day Hunting knives look different and not as fancy as some I've seen on Daz website or on others.
Also I would look at retexturing something like Jeans and a Jacket with a camo shader. Just bumped into some Camo Shaders on DeviantArt looking for iray shaders.
I wonder if they feel like all their expensive camo gear has gone to waste when they realize they must wear high visibility neon safety orange to avoid being shot by other hunters. I know deer congregate in my and other private yards during hunting season. They've figured out safe zones some how.