Merge Scene - Environment

Why when you merge a scene into an existing scene do the Environment settings in the existing scene get replaced by those in the new scene? Drives me nuts. You go to all the trouble of setting up your environment so it's perfect, then you bring another character/whatever into it and it messes up the Environment?
Any way around that?
Is there not a script to store and then restore the settings?
Well, yeah, you can save a "Render Settings Preset", but then you have to remember that every time you're merging a scene you have to save then reload, and then keep track of where the preset was stored, which means you probably have to make a new Smart Content folder with Render Settings presets.
I'm looking more for a checkbox that says "Never ever overwrite my environment settings in this scene".
I'm with you on this. Very annoying when you merge another scene and it overwrites your carefully set-up environment. I would have thought that the logic would go that I want to merge only the objects into my current scene but it seems to work backwards. Almost as annoying as those HDRIs sold in the DAZ store which completely obliterate your environment too when all you wanted was a nice HDRi background.
Mostly it would be characters that I want to merge into a scene so I save out individual and multiple characters as scene subsets which don't mess with the environment..
I agree.We need a merge interface that lets us choose what gets merged.
Great idea for a feature.You should start a ticket to submit that.