looking for glowing eyes shaders?

DMindsDMinds Posts: 47
edited March 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

looking for some shaders that help the eyes glow I'm trying to do it myself but keep failing?

anyone got any ideas or where i can buy some glowing shaders for genesis 8 

the eyes should be yellow but comes out white... 

thanks ^^ 

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  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149
    edited March 2021

    Select any of the eye surfaces you want to glow and change the Emissive color to anything other than black(0,0,0) and it will start to light up.

    For example

    Select the iris surface on the "Surfaces" pane.

     scroll down to the "Emission Color" setting.Change color to White(255,255,255) or whatever color you want your glow.

    Turn "Off" "Two Sided Light".

    You can also click the box with the arrow to the left of the color bar and add the iris "Base Color" map from the list.Lower the "Emission Temperature" to zero.This will make the glow the same color as the iris texture. 

    Change the "Luminance" and "Luminance Units" to get your desired glow type and intensity.

    "Luminance Units" kcd/m2 makes things very bright and intense, but washes all the detail at default settings.So some experimentation will be needed to get just the right glow for your scene lighting and desired amount of detail.

    Post edited by IceCrMn on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    I just searched the store for "eyes" and found a bunch.

    There's a new set Superhero Eyes and Face FX.

    Mattymanx has several sets too.


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