cloths ignore anatomical elements during fitting

When I create a male character with genitalia, If I then add a wardrobe item, the auto-fit ignores the genitals and is only fitted to the male base figure. If I adjust the Fit_To to Genitalia instead of the base character, it seems to recognize the scrotum area but not the penis. Is there a technique to create a better fit?
Post edited by Chohole on
Do you need to have the anatomical elements present? You could try applying a Smoothing Modifier and have it collide with the anatomical elements, but that may produce rather a shrink-wrap effect. If there is enough looseness in the clothing you could also try using dForce, shrinking the elements down initially and then rescaling them to full size so the cloth adapts.
Scale the "Anatomical Elements" to 30% and they don't interfere with fitting trousers/pants but you still have them fitted to the figure