Missing tactical vest

dvalinoffdvalinoff Posts: 7

I was looking for tacitcal vest for Genesis 8 male and female characters and have found the best match on promo image of "M4A1 Gun and Poses for Genesis 8" by @DarkEdgeDesign.

I checked his store page looking for bundle with that vest, but was slightly dissappointed – I haven't found anything about referred above chest armor. However, while I was seaching for similar one I have found old promo images, which had a identical to that one I saw before.

Later I found it was "Modern Military Outfit for Genesis 8 Male(s)" by same DarkEdgeDesign, and when I checked the product page, I didn't find anything about tactical vest I wanted to buy. Was it cut from product or not? Shall I buy it if an update will come out?


UPD#1: Found this thread about spare textures of Combat vest: 

It's quite strange.

UPD#2: I've briefly read the thread above. The only guess that can be true is tactical vest might be cut from product because of QA tests. I'll quote from official DAZ 3D documentation:

Step 3 : QA and Testing

Once a product is accepted, it moves to the DAZ 3D QA queue. The QA group is responsible to do a final test of the product to make sure it meets the outlined product features. The product's text and imagery receives its final review. If any fixes are needed this team will communicate with the artist to make the necessary changes.

I'm gonna ask the similar question from thread in order to keep relevance of problem. Why did QA team find it unacceptable and request to put it out from product? 

1000 x 1300 - 2M
300 x 400 - 185K
300 x 400 - 213K
2000 x 2600 - 5M
Post edited by dvalinoff on


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