remove morph from object?

just supposing someone put a morph on an object that didn't work
and since undo doesn't seem to remove said morph.
Is there a way to remove it?
Or do you just reload the base again.
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just supposing someone put a morph on an object that didn't work
and since undo doesn't seem to remove said morph.
Is there a way to remove it?
Or do you just reload the base again.
Asking for a friend.
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As long as they haven't been saved as morph assets reloading the base is probably the simplest if the delete option isn't working. If they have been saved then you need to delete the asset file(s) for the morph from the data folder.
that's what I figured. Just reloading... although I did wonder if applying the unmorphed figure as a morph would undo the morph?
I don't think that would delete the slider, but it's not something I've tried.
The Fit Control products from Discobob can add and delete morphs, so it is possible.
Yes, as long as a morph hasn't beens aved as an asset it can be deleted inside DS - but apparently that wasn't working here.
what's the difference between saving something as an asset or as a scene or scene subset file.
we''re talking simple here something like a box with a point morph for instance
If it hasn't been saved as an asset can it be deleted in the morph editor?
A morph asset file loads with anything derived from the base figure/prop, if the morph is embedded in as cene file then the only way to access it is to load that scene.