Program closing/disappearing mid-render

My entire window and program are disappearing from the screen and closing mid-render over and over as of today. I just updated to the latest version of the software, but I did that AFTER the first render was unsuccessful. I have a Dell HP Omen. Running DAZ 64-bit. I have 166 GB free on C: drive and 688 GB free on D:. It's definitely not a space issue, but I've noticed that today, DAZ is opening with a scene that includes "Tonemapper Options" and "Environment Options". When I opened my own scene earlier, it added those to mine as well. If I try to delete T.O. and E.O. from the empty scene it won't let me. It wasn't happening with the Studio version before today's update. It's also defaulting to the NVIDIA Iray in the primary viewbox when I open a scene or add a character for some reason. Never done that before either. I've currently opened a fresh scene with only a figure and rendering at a lower quality than normal, but I only ever do high quality renders and it's never once been an issue. Any ideas anybody?


  • What GPU, and what driver? The Tone Mapper and Environment nodes are new, but they just enable the cotnrols (which in the past were simply in the Render Settinsg pane, and still are there when the nodes exist) - you should have no trouble deleting the nodes, though that will reset those settings to their default values. Can you still delete other nodes normally?

    It does sound as if there may be an issue with your interface settings not saving - had you force-quit DS through Task Manager recently?

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