Custom weight maps lost when converting from G8F to any other body.

I am creating a custom unisex clothing item for G8F. I used the transfer tool to rig it. Then I used the wieght map brushes to clean up the weights and all looks good. Howver, after saving the clothing item, and applying it to a different body, say G8M, then all the custom weights are lost and it looks like it was freshly rigged with the transfer tool.

Is there any way around doing a version for each body?

(Pardon any terminology mistakes, still learning.)


  • AutoFit in effect transfers a morph from the original figure to the target figure, bakes it in, and runs the Transfer Utility - so yes, it will remove custom weight maps. You might want to look at the Cross Figure Resource Kit , though I think you'd still need to do some firther work even if it gave usable rsults 9which, as I recall, depends on the type of item)..

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    AutoFit in effect transfers a morph from the original figure to the target figure, bakes it in, and runs the Transfer Utility - so yes, it will remove custom weight maps. You might want to look at the Cross Figure Resource Kit , though I think you'd still need to do some firther work even if it gave usable rsults 9which, as I recall, depends on the type of item)..

    Thanks for that. I'll give it a shot and see how well it works.


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