Parented morph

hello, sorry if I'm not clear, but I use a translator

I would like to know how to join several morphs controlled by a single slider ?


in advance thank you


    1. Set the sldiers as you wish them to be when the cotrnol slider is 100%, make sure everything else is zeroed.
    2. Right-click in the Parameters pane and select Edit Mode, if it isn't already checked
    3. If you need a new slider as the controller, right-click in the property group you want to place it in and select Create New Property; name it and make any other adjustments required in the dialogue box; accept, set the new proeprty to 100%
    4. Right-click on the property you wish to control the others and select ERC Freeze; check that the sub-components are the ones you want and nothing else, then click Accept
  • thank you ;)

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