Stuck with Figure Setup

I'm trying to move a geometry in Figure Setup from the Geometry List to the Relationships tab. I am drag and dropping but the cursor shows the strike-through circle and will not let me.

I used the same mesh previously, and saved it as an asset and memorised figure rigging.

I've renamed it and reexported it from Blender with no luck.

Why is it no longer allowing me to move it over?


  • Does it have groups? Exactly where are you trying to drop it?

  • It has groups. I've renamed them in the hopes that the transfer will stop superimposing the Genesis8 figure's bones over the new bones and adding extraneous ones. It worked the first try when I started this project, but nothing since.


  • CyrinadiaCyrinadia Posts: 143
    edited February 2021

    And this is the try where the Transfer utility got weird and when I try to put the bones back where they're supposed to be, the model I'm trying to attach just mucks about up there. It adds extra bones that aren't meant to be there like metatarsels and toes and a spare leg.

    Plus the Hip and Pelvis are in the wrong order. I reparented and renamed them but the name refuses to stick in the Rename Node>Node Label, so they remain 'hip, Pelvis' and 'pelvis, Hip' respectively, which I think doesn't help with the transfer utility.

    Hence I tried to rename the geometry as per my previous post, without using the same naming convention to see if the Transfer Utility will take the new bone placement as it IS rather than deciding for me as the image shows. But, the original post is the result. Won't let me do that to try that next experiment.

    Also deleted the saved asset the from the first try as I thought it may be saving it somehow and blocking the new version, so can't even show the bones as I want them to be (until I muck about finding the best place for them to move nicely, that is).

    I was following SickleYield's Geografting tutorial which is excellent.



    Post edited by Cyrinadia on
  • Oop, wait, found a save with the bones where I want and named as first try, though it is not conformed :(



    Obj to Relationship Tabs.PNG
    504 x 526 - 19K
    Leg Transfer.PNG
    316 x 599 - 93K
    Weird leg bones.PNG
    299 x 560 - 16K
    The idea.PNG
    375 x 592 - 93K
    331 x 424 - 13K
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