interpolation options greyed out

I discovered my woes in DAZ studio that makes me loath it are caused by TCB interpolation.
However linear and constant is greyed out, I cannot find how to enable them Google search or otherwise.
Pretty sure this doesn't happen in 4.11 before the improved timeline Keymate didn't do it
(seems I was optimistically mistaken) it explains so very much
Any documentation suggests they are not greyed out for others.
I am going bonkers trying to drive around a scene as the camera arcs in bezier curves between points over the footpath across houses even parenting it to a null.
I have never experienced such a thing in iClone, Carrara, Unreal, Poser, Twinmotion, Blender, Bryce or anything else, even Particle Illusion if Bezier is not applied to a keyframe.
I am using the 4.15 beta but I am about to open my scene in 4.11 and hope 4.15 doesn't bork it reloading as I want to use Filament
video showing the issue
that is 4.11 so it did it too
( I really am less familiar with D|S quirks due to 11 years of limited use)
no other software does this and it is why I don't use DAZ studio if I can truly help it
Carrara is logical, also if you click the keyframe it keyframes all the parameters for the item
DAZ Studio the + keyframe seems to do nothing
Are you clicking on the key marker in the Dope Sheet section?
yeah that's another thing sometimes I select triangles and a lot of options come up and other times only 3 different ones do, am doing something now so cannot explain what I mean, I tried a few things it wouldn't even let me manually add keys to child parameters such as Y rotate when the translations had keys let alone change the type.
Also my timeline seems missing some features, I cannot bring up the graph editor for example.
Your Timeline View seems rather sparse. I'm still on 4.12 myself, but there is the option of Basic, Intermediate and Advanced views. Right-click the Timeline tab, or use the Pane's hamburger menu, and it should be the first choice in the popup. Advanced view shows all the parameters and graphs and gives you access to the keyframes. This thread from last year might help (not that I use the timeline very much) but I got it to do what was expected: How to adjust the Tension, Continuity, and Bias of a keyframe in the new DAZ studio timeline?
yeah that one is 4.11 as I said, it's to show the issue of how the null arcs between the keyframes not the selection of interpolation type issue.
I have the latest beta and that older version and they both do the sweeping curved movements.
I am assuming it is the TCB but it might not be
cannot get your link to work
Oops, I used the text title instead of the URL. Corrected it.
OK everything works as expected in my 4.15 32 bit release build
I can chose linear interpolation by select my keyframes and it then moves how I want
there is something odd going on with my 4.15 64 bit beta selecting the keys
I will try again but as I said it sometimes shows them selected but they are not
now this is interesting
I now can not only chose linear in the beta but also get the +/- keyframe options I didn't before
and a copy paste tab that was missing
my graph editor is back too
it is also letting me select the keyframes collapsed
... and it is letting me easily move the keyframes too, I couldn't before
I am wondering if this is a result of me overwiting 4.15 with 4.11, that was production build but maybe it affects the beta preferences
I have the 32bit production as 4.15 as have no backup of that
and can I have linear as default instead of having to select and change it every time!!!!