Any way to scale figure1 without scaling figure2 which is attached as a rigid follow node?

When using a rigid follow node to connect two figures, I haven't been able to figure out any way to scale the primary figure (figure1) without also causing figure2 (the "child" of the rigid follow node, which is itself a child of figure1) to also scale. I want all the featueres of the rigid follow node (e.g. figures move together, etc.), *except* I don't want figure2 to scale if I scale figure1. I've tried locking the scale control for figure2, and it won't let me manually scale it, but if I scale figure1 it still scales figure2. In the example, the cone figure is parented to the cylinder figure via a rigid follow node. I want to be able to scale the cylinder vertically without changing the shape of the cone (in other words I don't want the cone to scale). However, scaling the cylinder always scales the cone, and I can't figure out any way to change that behavior. Curious if anyone else knows how to prevent scaling the child object when the parent is scaled?

Try, if figure 2 is meant to be 100%, entering 100/ (figure 1 scale) in the scale box for figure 2.
Thank you Richard! That works perfectly for what I wanted (keeps the position dictated by the rigid follow node but readjusts the scale). Thanks so much for the suggestion!
Best regards,