Dynamic Clothing for Genesis Not Loading

It may be because I bought this awhile ago, but I thought I'd ask: The product was called Dynamic Clothes -- SuperSuit -- World's Finest -- Shadow Cape M5 Hero. So it wasn't just the SuperSuit for Genesis. That still works. It is an Add-on, so to speak, with Hero Cowls and Capes, including for a Batman character and a Superman character. I checked, by the way, in the DAZ Studio panes tab, and I still have the Dynamic Clothing feature there and I can load it up. 

Anyway, this product for Michael 5 or Genesis is supposed to load with a cowl or cape or a kind of batman mask and cape. Then, with Dynamic Clothing, I should be able to get it to fit and drape more properly on the character. But, whenever I click to load a mask and cape, DAZ Studio (, Pro, Macintosh, 64-bit) immediately crashes. Now, I also realize that the product was developed well before the current version of DAS Studio was released.

But, anyway, the product no longer works. Does anyone know why? Or, is there something I can do to get it to work? 


  • Tried to check the logfile yet? That might be able to give you some leads.
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Well, as usual, I can't figure out what the log file means. Whatever it encountered is probably in here. Maybe someone can clue me in:

    2021-02-19 12:51:20.360 Creating Inverse Kinematics Manager...
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.372 Loading plug-ins:
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.376     d3dGenX.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.383     keyMate.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.389     libaniMate2.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.421     libdazscriptide.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.430     libdzalignace.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.434     libdzassetiofilters.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.452     libdzautofit.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.458     libdzautoriggerbasic.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.461     libdzautoshaderbakeractions.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.474     libdzbrycebridge.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.477     libdzbvh.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:20.482     libdzcolladax.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.117     libdzcomponents.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.124     libdzcontentlibrarypane.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.129     libdzcr2exporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.135     libdzcustomizedlg.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.145     libdzdecimator.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.159     libdzdelightrenderer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.179     libdzdformeditor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.184     libdzdynamics.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.320     libdzeasyloader.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.323     libdzexpexporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.339     libdzfbxexporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.468     libdzfbximporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.471     libdzfiguresetup.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.488     libdzfilamentdrawstyle.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.494     libdzgoz.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.506     libdzhexagonbridge.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.509     libdzimageio.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.772     libdzirayrenderer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.787     libdzjointeditor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.805     libdzlayerededitor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.821     libdzlayerfilter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.837     libdzmacvideo.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.839     libdzmanualshaderbaker.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.853     libdzmaptransfer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.863     libdzmorphfollower.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.876     libdzmorphloader.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.893     libdzmorphloaderpro.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.907     libdzobjexporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.910     libdzoptitexclothbasic.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:21.996     libdzpolygongroupeditortool.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.012     libdzprimitives.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.017     libdzpropertyhierarchyeditor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.030     libdzpuppeteer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.037     libdzpz3importer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.041     libdzrenderedit.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.045     libdzrenderlibrary.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.050     libdzrslshadercompiler.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.053     libdzsavefilters.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.070     libdzscriptedrenderer.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.084     libdzscriptedsteps.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.089     libdzshaderbaker.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.103     libdzshaderbuilder.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.123     libdzshadereditor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.127     libdzshadermixerbase.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.497     libdzshadermixergui.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.515     libdzsmartcontentpane.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.536     libdzspotrendertool.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.539     libdzstrandbasedhaireditor.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.613     libdztextureatlas.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.628     libdztimeline.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.636     libdztransferutility.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.648     libdzu3dexporter.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.652     libdzweightmapbrush.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.670     MF_meshgrab.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.698     MF_meshmorph.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.720     MF_meshrot.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.723     SDK_SceneInfoPane.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.730     libdzdrawstyles.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.737     libdzpowerpose.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.746     Reality_DS64.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.777 Error writing author data.
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.849 Initializing NVIDIA Iray...
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.849 Iray [INFO] - API:MISC ::   0.0   API    misc info : Loaded "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/libneuray.so"
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.849 Iray [INFO] - API:MISC ::   0.0   API    misc info : Iray RTX 2020.1.3, build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020, macosx-x86-64
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.849 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(480): Could not add path: "/Users/s/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.849 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(480): Could not add path: "/Users/s/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.850 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER ::   0.0   CUDA   rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed.
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.850 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER ::   0.0   CUDA   rend warn : The version of your CUDA driver is 0.0, but 10.2 is the required minimum
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.850 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER ::   0.0   CUDA   rend warn : Please update your display driver (current version ).
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.850 NVIDIA Iray Rendering Configuration:
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.850     CPU Fallback: enabled
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.851     GPU Detection: enabled
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.851     GPU Driver Version Check: enabled
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.851 Loading NVIDIA Iray Plugins...
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.865 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/axf_importer.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.868 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/blend_render.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.869 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/cb_importer.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.871 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/ct.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.873 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/dds.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.882 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - LINK:PLUGIN ::   0.0   LINK   plug warn : Loading /Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/ffmpeg_video_decoder.so: dlopen(/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/ffmpeg_video_decoder.so, 1): Library not loaded: @executable_path/libavutil.56.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.882 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - LINK:PLUGIN ::   0.0   LINK   plug warn :   Referenced from: /Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/libavcodec.58.dylib
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.883 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - LINK:PLUGIN ::   0.0   LINK   plug warn :   Reason: image not found
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.885 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/iray_bridge_client.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:22.888 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/iray_bridge_server.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.042 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/libiray.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.173 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/libirt.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.176 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/mi_exporter.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.179 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/mi_importer.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.187 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/nv_freeimage.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.189 Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN ::   0.0   PLUG   plug info : Loaded library "/Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/libs/iray/screen_video.so".
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.189 Starting NVIDIA Iray...
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.195 Iray [INFO] - CLUSTR:NETWORK ::   0.1   CLUSTR net  info : Networking is switched off.
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.197 Iray [INFO] - CT:IMAGE ::   1.1   CT     img  info : Plugin "ct" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - DDS:IMAGE ::   1.1   DDS    img  info : Plugin "dds" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_bmp" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_cut" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_dds" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_exr" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_faxg3" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_gif" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_hdr" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_ico" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_iff" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_j2k" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_jng" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_jp2" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_jpg" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.198 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_jxr" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_koala" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_lbm" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_pbm" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_pcd" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_pfm" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_pict" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_png" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_psd" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_ras" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_sgi" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_targa" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_tiff" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_wbmp" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_webp" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.199 Iray [INFO] - FREIMG:IMAGE ::   1.1   FREIMG img  info : Plugin "fi_xpm" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.346 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.1   IRAY   rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed with error 'CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version' (0x23); iray photoreal can only run in CPU mode. Please update your NVIDIA driver (www.nvidia.com).
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.346 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.1   IRAY   rend info : Using iray plugin version 5.1, build 334300.6349 n, 14 Dec 2020, macosx-x86-64-clang900.
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.1   IRAY   rend warn : There is no CUDA-capable GPU available to the iray photoreal renderer.
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [VERBOSE] - IRAY:RENDER ::   1.1   IRAY   rend stat : Environment cache size capacity: 5.
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [INFO] - BLEND:RENDER ::   1.1   BLEND  rend info : Plugin "blend render" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_CLIENT:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "iray_cloud" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_CLIENT:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "irt_cloud" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_CLIENT:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "nitro_cloud" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.347 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_CLIENT:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "iq_irt_cloud" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.348 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(359): Iray [WARNING] - IRT:RENDER ::   1.1   IRT    rend warn : Your NVIDIA driver API 'libcuda.dylib' cannot be found. All GPUs will be disabled.
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.348 Iray [INFO] - IRT:RENDER ::   1.1   IRT    rend info : Plugin "irt" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.348 Iray [INFO] - EIAXF:IO ::   1.1   EIAXF  io   info : Plugin "axf importer" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.349 Iray [INFO] - ICB:IO ::   1.1   ICB    io   info : Plugin "cb_importer" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.349 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_CLIENT:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "iray_bridge_snapshot" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.349 Iray [INFO] - IRAY_CLOUD_SERVER:NETWORK ::   1.1   IRAY_C net  info : Plugin "iray_bridge_server" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.349 Iray [INFO] - EEMI:IO ::   1.1   EEMI   io   info : Plugin ".mi exporter" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.349 Iray [INFO] - EIMI:IO ::   1.1   EIMI   io   info : Plugin ".mi importer" (build 334300.6349, 14 Dec 2020) initialized
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.350 NVIDIA Iray GPUs:
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.350 NVIDIA Iray Scheduling Configuration:
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.350     CPU Load Limit: 24
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.350     CPU Thread Affinity: disabled
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.350     GPU Load Limit: 1
    2021-02-19 12:51:23.604 Total class factories: 2107


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Well, hopefully someone with more knowledge than I will figure out what I can do. The Dynamic Clothing contains some really good items (see screen shots). And there's even more than I've shown here. It's listed in Genesis under Dynamic Clothes -- Supersuit -- World's Finest. I can't even find it in the Store anymore. Has it been removed?

    Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.55.13 AM.png
    423 x 302 - 89K
    Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.55.32 AM.png
    467 x 348 - 31K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319
    edited February 2021

    It's still in the store: Supersuit World's Finest I have it installed and it's stil working for me (I'm also on DS I loaded a Genesis male, dialled up his M5 Hero morph, loaded the "Shadow Cape M5 Hero", posed him a little (just the arms for the purpose of my test) and ran the dynamic drape.

    Now I did used to get crashes trying to load any dynamics saved as .daz files (like these) in an earlier version of Daz Studio (I can't remember which, but might be able to find my forum posts about it) - but I'm not having that problem in DS4.15 at all.

    EDIT: Actually I mis-rememberd - I didn't get crashes as such, the clothes just failed to load in DS4.11.


    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @MelanieL: Thanks very much for letting me know this. Now, I'm on a Macintosh, running Catalina: 10.15.7. Could that be it? Or, is there anything I could do to get this product to work for me? Hopefully, someone can help.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319

    Actually I mis-remembered - I didn't get crashes as such, the clothes just failed to load in DS4.11, as did many .daz format product files.

    I'm on Windows 7 Pro, so have no idea whether the Mac makes the difference, or if it's something else.

    I assume you have the correct version of Dynamic Cloth Plugin installed? Mine shows which matches DS4.15.0.2 (the last two sets of digits must match). Do you have the (purchased) full plugin, or the free version included in Daz Studio? (Mine is the full purchased version).

     Also your log extract stops very early, before you even loaded M5 or the cloak. Is there more to see? (I realise that the last part of the log often gets truncated when there is a crash).

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @MelanieL: For the Dynamic Cloth Plugin, it shows, the same as yours. It says Basic, so I guess that's the free version. Would it make a difference, do you think, if I bought the full version? How would I go about buying the full version? Is it this: https://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-clothing-control The Dynamic Clothing Control?

    Yes, I'm afraid the log got truncated when DS crashed (over and over again, as I tried).

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319

    Yes, that's the right product, but I wouldn't rush to buy it full price just yet (especially as it's full price).

    Give me a few minutes and I'll uninstall the full version and see whather the cloak still loads - if it does then you must have a different problem.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @MelanieL: Oh, thanks very much for taking the time and doing this test.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319
    edited February 2021

    If you are just reading this, @inquire , then scroll down to my last post.

    Sorry that took a little bit longer than I hoped.

    The good news (?) is: I uninstalled the full Dynamic Clothing Control and the cape still loaded fine.
    The bad news is: weirdly the drape didn't work as well (even though I wasn't using any of the advanced parameters). I was surprised so I reinstalled the full version and tried again - it was definitely better with the full version. I'm attaching viewport screenshots of the Basic and Full version to show what happened (look at his chin).

    Anyway, it seems it's not the version that is causing your troubles, so it looks like it's premature to buy the full plugin - let's see if we can get the basic one working first.

    391 x 334 - 21K
    337 x 366 - 21K
    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319
    edited February 2021

    First: do you have any other Optitex clothing items you could try? If not, there used to be a bunch of freebies on their store page - maybe you could try one of those?

    This is the link: http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload01.php

    (If it doesn't work try the indirect route: http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/ then click on Freebies - Daz Freebies.

    ETA: Most of the clothes are for Victoria 4 and Michael 4, but if you go to page 14 there are a couple of Genesis items there.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319
    edited February 2021

    And now the really bad news: I spotted someting in the forums (via Google search) about problems with Mac OS. Then I went and looked at the product page again and saw the bottom line of the Details section where there are these magic words:

    • Please note: this product does not work on Mac OS.

    I think you said you bought this "some time ago" so unfortunately the 30-day return option is not available to you. Looks like you need a Windows PC wink

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130


    OK, well thank you for all of your time. I actually did get a saved character with the supersuit and the cape and the cowl and hood to load up. And I posed him. I draped the cape. It worked. For the cowl and hood: well, the hood worked; the cowl was a little messy, as in your first attachment version above. So, maybe I'll try parenting items from one character to another. 

    It must have worked earlier, because I remember working with it. Maybe OptiTex didn't keep up with changes to the Mac OS? That's about all I can figure.

    But, again, thank you very much.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    I managed to parent the cape, cowl and hood to a Genesis 8 character. And I've run the OptiTex Dynamic Clothing plugin on a posed figure. I got it to work. But again, this is from the saved scene subset. If I try to load from the Content Library, it crashes DAZ Studio. Any idea why it would work one way and not the other? Is there a way to contact OptiTex?

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319
    edited February 2021

    When I bought the set (January 2015) there was no note about Mac on the product page (I always take a print to pdf when I buy) so I think it must have worked on earlier Mac OS's. I looked through several of the products marked "Optitex" and some now have that disclaimer, others don't. I suspect someone may have raised a ticket about those products and Daz's response was something like: "we can't make it work, so we'll just put a warning on the product page".

    As far as I can recall, "Optitex" was just a PA name used by the man who worked with Daz to bring this kind of dynamics to Daz Studio. I believe he got a different job some years(?) ago and is no longer involved. The World's Finest set is a co-creation with SimonWM. Simon may know more about this, but he's not posted in the forum for years. Other than that it's ticket time, but as I say I suspect they will just say "can't be done".

    As to why one way works and the other doesn't, well I have no idea.

    Just a thought: have you tried loading your old scene subset that works, detaching the clothing item from the character, deleting the character and anything else from the scene then saving just the clothing item as a scene subset of it's own, to see if that can be loaded?

    Alternatively, do you have an old Mac lying about on which you could load each clothing item and save as a scene subset ito see if that would work. I'm clutching at straws here! But this is what I did back in DS 4.11 when the .daz files wouldn't load - I loaded them in DS4.6 and saved as subset (they then sort of worked in DS4.11).

    Good luck.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130
    edited February 2021

    OK, well thanks for all the helpful suggestions. I did something similar. I loaded a G8 Male into the scene subset, which had a Genesis male with the Suit, Cape, and Cowl. I parented the cloting to G8. Worked. That's Dain 8 HD in the Screen Shot.

    By the way, is there a chance that this OptiTex product might work with dForce items?

    Dain 8 as Batman with Genesis Dynamic Clothing Cape Hood n Cowl_1.png
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    Post edited by inquire on
  • This may coincide with the war between Apple and nVidia. Nothing to see with Daz unfortunately. Mac and any nVidia consumer grade don't work together. So your graphics card could be causing the whole thing to crash. And Daz can't do anything about it. 

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319

    inquire said:

    OK, well thanks for all the helpful suggestions. I did something similar. I loaded a G8 Male into the scene subset, which had a Genesis male with the Suit, Cape, and Cowl. I parented the cloting to G8. Worked. That's Dain 8 HD in the Screen Shot.

    By the way, is there a chance that this OptiTex product might work with dForce items?

    It's worth a try adding a dForce dynamic surface modifier to it and see what the simulation does. I've tried it on a couple of Optitex/Khory gowns and got quite good results. Worst case: it will explode horribly! 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Well, I wasted a great deal of time today. I do have an older iMac and I opened DS, and opened each of the OptiTex items. Then, I saved each as a Scene Subset. Finally, I emailed them back to myself. But, when I try to open the scene subset on the Power Mac, I get error files, and a kind of rectanglar oblong is what I end up with. (See screen shots.) 

    I don't even know what those messages mean, but does anyone know if there's a way around this?

    Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 11.43.58 AM.png
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    Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 11.43.48 AM.png
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  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319

    I believe I know what the messages mean.

    Basically when you save a scene subset (or anything) that originated in older formats (.obj files or in the case of Optitex dynamics .dso and .dsv files) they get converted to the more modern format of .dsf files and stored in the Data folder under the subfolder "auto_adapted". You would need to send that subfolder back to yourself and copy it into your existing Data folder in your content library, then they should work.

    (Sorry, I didn't think of that before, because I have an old version of Daz Studio installed alongside DS4.15 on the same PC with the same content libraries, so the problem didn't arise for me.)

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @MelanieL: Thank you so very much! I never would have figured anything like this out without your help. I had more files to move over, because there were more items, as I guess you know. And yes, I can load them all up and parent them and render them, even to G8 figures. Well, you certainly do know your stuff.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,319

    Happy to help. I'm glad you got it all working - though rather more effort than expected!

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Here's a "Batman" I did, using the Dynamic Cape and Hood and Cowl, and the Genesis Supersuit, all parented to a G8 guy (Dain 8 HD).

    Dain 8 as Batman with Genesis Dynamic Clothing Hood n Cowl but Regal Cape_3.png
    1365 x 1145 - 1M
  • Thank you, MelanieL for sharing your knowledge and time!  I like what inquire is doing with the clothing and figures.

    Love the Batman render!  Everything fits great and the cape flows really well.  Congratulations on getting this working!


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