Panel Light Visibility

If you add a plane to your scene and crank up the emission so it acts like a light box, but you don't want it to be seen in your render, AND you don't want it to cast shadows or block other light sources in the scene, what's the latest way to accomplish that? I thought you had to tweak the opacity down to a tiny value or something, but that doesn't seem to stop it from blocking other light sources.
Oh wait, the opacity does seem to work as long as you select the right object to apply it to... DOH !!!!
But is there a newer, cleaner way to do that?
Use a spot light, It has a built-in 'light box'
Change the light geometry to rectangle
Scale the width and height (just like a plane)
Crank up the luminous flux.
Turn off Render Emitter
That's equivalent to a emissive plane,