Visible In Render Affect Lighting?

Hi all,
I am wondering if when you turn OFF 'visible in render', does the light behave like the objects that are not visible in render, are actually still on or there? I did a test and it looked like somethings were the same and other different but not as different as when I deleted an object. If this does work, this would help decrease render times if I didnt need to render everything in the frame with my character. You could in theory render your character and set, seperately whilest keeping the lighting the same. Making the light hitting the subject the same without any walls visible, as when they are. My guess is not bc during my test the shadows didnt register onto the alpha even though 'draw ground' is ON. Any ideas?? Thnx!
If a light is not visible in render it will not provide light. If you turn off render Emitter the light tself will be invisible, but it will still be visible when seen through or reflected in another object.
I didnt explain it very well. Im not talking about the lights. Im talking about walls and objects surrounding the subect. I want the lights to react to a subject the same with the walls visible as when they are not visible in render. Meaning I want the character to have the light hit them as though the walls etc are there even though they are not visible in render, so in theory it will render the character faster without losing light continuity. So I can render the character first without the environment showing up and then render the environment without the character and have the shadows and light being accurate to then composite in PS as though it was rendered with everything turned on as one. I am sucking at explaining this. Thank you for your help.
That isn't possible, I think, and wouldn't gain you any significan speed since the whole sequence of light paths would still have to be calculated to get the same end result. You might look at Canvasses, in the Advanced tab of Render Settings, if you want to experiment.
Ok cool ty for your help!
The other way to do this is to make your own HDR with the 'spherical camera' in studio. Then you can use your HDR as the environment, deleting most things in your scene except the figure (and things that need shadows). The Iray environment can be set to invisible but still light your figure.
edited to add this link to a tutorial I found: