Modules are Missing

I using UE4.26.1 and I enabled the daz plug-in. Once I restarted the editor and I started below message and the project will not open anymore:
the following modules are missing or built with different engine version
Dazto unreal
Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build through your ide
Please let me know what do you think or suggest any workaround.
The same thing happened to me just now. Hope someone can address this issue.
@Witchy_Breeches, which version of UE4 are using ?
It's installing the 4.25 version. There's instructions in this thread how to get the 4.26 version:
so we do not get it through DIM ever David ?
I assume it will be there eventually. I can't do anything about it though. I don't work for Daz.
changing target
sorry David
so we do not get it through DIM ever DazSam ?
I came across the same issue as well after enableing the plugins on Unreal.
Unreal Engine Version 4.26.1
DAZ Studio Pro Edition (64-bit)
Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.19042 Build 19042
I also get the following error message in unreal:
the following modules are missing or built with different engine version
Dazto unreal
Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build through your ide
Can someone please explain how to make this work?
I use UE 4.25.4 and Daz Studio 4.15. The DazToUnreal Bridge is version 4.0.
Thank you for your help.
Same as me and I found a simple fix!
1. Open the project file in NOTEPAD. Its a simple text document, very similar to DAZ files.
2. Find the line for the DAZ plugin and change the value from TRUE to FALSE. SAVE the file! (SEE THE IMAGE)
3. Open your project and get back to work!
NOTE: AS OF 3-26-21 the problem will persist so DO NOT RE-ENABLE the DAZ plugin or the missing modules error will reappear.
This fixes the error, but how do we use the plugin now?
I had no issues on 4.26, odd to go back to using 4.25.4 and have issues
Honestly, Man after weeks of work I was happy to just have all of my hard work back, to crap with the package! However, I have found that the "Send to Unreal" option still puts the assets in the same folder as before. You just have to drag it into your project manually.
So nobody ever figured this out ? Does that mean that the Daz to Unreal does NOT work ? surely this is an issue for a lot of people
Guys, the plugin is working fine, but if you are having issues, try this:
On your project ROOT folder, create a Plugins folder.
Download the plugin ( from the official repository:
Open the zip file and go to builds\ENGINE_4.26\VER_4.1.0\ and drag and drop the folder DazToUnreal inside the Plugins folder you just created.
This should work if you are having issues with UE 4.26.
You can also drop this file in the engine plugin folder to make it available on all projects.
The plugin has a discord channel:
You can go there if you are stuck.
Tried installing with UE 4.27 today and none of the fixes above are working.
does this work with 4.27?
I have the same problem, except I downloaded and installed 4.27 to try the MetaHumans feature, and now that I went back to my 4.25 project, I get the missing modules [thingy]. I even uninstalled 4.27, and uninstalled Daz and the plugins, and even uninstalled UE 4.25, and did a freaking system restore, NOTHING got it to work. Thankfully, with manually editing the project file to false, I can open it and continue working on it. But it's a bandaid fix that doesn't actually fix the problem. And it doesn't seem like the devs care.
I would try the instruction here to manually get a version that matches your version of Unreal
Yes, manual update worked (UE4.27), thanks!
If you put the plugin folder "Daztounreal" within the project file, create a Plugins folder, and put in there, when you open the project, and click "Build" It does it succesfully.
I tried this and the plugin still will not show up in Daz studio. It says the plugin is enabled but it does not have the send to unreal option in the edit menu. Been at this for hours
You need to install the Daz Studio plugin by copying the dll to the plugins folder in Daz Studio.